Chapter 9♡

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(Faye's P.O.V)

"So yeah. I'm feeling okay." Bea was great to talk to. "That's good." As she wrote down some notes, she asked me how things are with Adam. "He's really kind. And thoughtful. I've only been back in touch with him for a few months." Bea asked me if I was still having nightmares. "On and off. When I can't sleep, I sit up. Usually, I talk.. but sometimes, I just wanna be quiet." Bea said that was okay to do. "I constanly find myself drifting back to past thoughts though."

Bea asked her to tell her more. "The way Damon used me still haunts me. Even when Adam touches me in a loving way, I just wanna scream.' Bea said that was normal after tramua. "You are getting back to finding yourself again. It is going to take time. How do you react when Adam is close to you?" I looked around.. "You mean intimately or just as normal?" Bea said as normal. "I'm fine. Sometimes, I feel a little bit nervous." Bea asked me why. "I'm not sure." Bea asked if I had been on a date with him yet.

"Not yet. We haven't exactly explored that yet." Bea asked me if I was open to asking him. "I feel like I could." Bea set me a challenge. "I want you to be more kinder to yourself. Write down positive things about yourself and save it for our next session." I thanked her. "Anytime. See you soon." After leaving, I heard my phone. It was Adam. "Hey." I blushed. "Hey beautiful." He was sweet. He asked me what I was doing. "Well, I have just been to therapy. Why?" He asked if I wanted to pop down to the garage. "Now?" He said yes. "Okay. I just need to pop home and get my bag. Then, I'll be there." He said that was fine. "I've missed your pretty face." I said that I missed him too.

Getting back to the house, I went upstairs to get changed. Evie called me. Calling her back, she said that she had news. "What?" She said that Brett wants to take her out. "You go girl!!! What did he say?" She told me everything. "Well, he contacted me saying that he wants to catch up. And he offered to take me out." I whooped. "I'm pleased for you. Have you heard from Jay?" She said no.

"Has he ghosted you?" She said pretty much.
"Hun, I have honestly not heard from him at all. It's ridiculous!" I told her that if he texts her, not to reply. "What are you up to tonight?" I told her that I was popping to see Adam. "Oh. You two are so cute. What are you wearing?" I showed her over video call.

"This is cuteeee!" I said that I loved it. "I think it's pretty stylish. "Do you think Adam will like it?" Evie nodded her head eagerly.

"Yes! He'll love it." I then showed her the other option. "This top is so stylish along with those denim shorts. I love that too." I picked option 1. "Then, I'll brush up my hair." Evie said to have fun. "I will. Let me know if Brent says anything else. Love you lots!' She said that she loved me too. Getting in the shower, I washed quickly. I actually felt excited to see Adam. We were taking things slow, but he made me happy. Washing my face, I turned the shower off. Getting the towel, I dried my face.

As I got ready, I thought about when I met Adam..

Me and Evie were having a girly night out at some bar when a guy tripped over. Spilling a glass of wine"Oh. I'm so sorry." I said it was okay. I had a glass of wine all over me. "Let me get a paper towel." As I looked at him, his eyes shone so brightly. Evie nudged me.. "He's cute." I shushed her. "Thanks." After he finished helping me, he introduced himself. "I'm Adam. Nice to meet you." I blushed. "I'm Faye."


Meeting him was lovely. Then, I spent more time with him. Once I got my bag ready, I walked over to the garage. The sky looked light. I texted my sister.

Hey. Hope you're okay. See you later. Xxxx


I'm alright thanks sis. I should be home soon. Have a nice time with Adam. Xxxx

Knocking on the garage door, I heard his mate call him. "Hey. Oh.. hey." He admired my outfit. "Do you like it?" I could see his eyebrows raise. "Hell yeah I do." As I walked around the car he was fixing, he asked how I was doing. "I'm okay thanks." He looked at me. "Man, you look good Faye." I giggled. "Thanks." I think he loved my shoulders. I was self conscious about them, but I was learning to love them. Watching him fix the car gave me butterflies. Plus, he had a grey top on and he ALWAYS looked good in that colour.😍

"I love your shoulders." He stood up and gazed at me. He was close to me.. but I liked that. "You're so stunning." He kissed my cheek. "You're so sexy." I kissed him back.. his shirt had oil stains on it. "Did.. you.. wanna?.." I wasn't so sure. "The car is empty.." I giggled at his comment. "Hooking up in a customer's car? That's a new one." As  he touched my hand, I felt his lips on my neck. "We'll be the first ones to do it.. plus, my boss isn't back for like 5 weeks. He's on vacation." I kept teasing him..

"Why can't you just wait baby?" He hugged me. "Because you look gorgeous." I said that it was better if we waited. He agreed.

"Let me take you out tonight." He wrapped his arm around me. "Where to?" He said a cute little bistro place. "Here are the keys to my place. I'll back in an hour." He kissed me. "See you in a bit handsome." Making my way to his place, I let myself in.

(Option 1 for Faye.)

(Option 2 for Faye.)

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