Chapter Eleven

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Alyssa's POV

I get home at around 6:00, because Denny and I got something to eat at Red Robins for dinner. It was great!

I walk inside to notice that the house is quiet. Too quiet. That's weird, because my house is usually never quiet, mainly because I have Tori living here.

I walk further into the living room to see no one. I check the whole house to find nobody at all. I am starting to get a little scared.

The only room I didn't check was the kitchen, so I go in there to only find a note.

It reads:

Hey Alyssa, we decided to go out. We would have had you join us, but you weren't home. We should be back at around eight.

See ya then!

Your babe,

Classic Tori. She always signs "your babe". It never gets old though, I'll tell you that.

Two and a half hours pass by, and I finally hear a car pull up into the driveway.

Thinking that it was Tori, Matt, and Grace, I open the could. I couldn't have been ever so wrong.

It was Cameron. Yes, the Cameron Dallas.

"Hey babe." He smirks.

"What do you want?" I spat.

He steps closer and my feet, for some reason, are frozen in place.

"I think you know what I want," he tells me. "You."

He whispers the last part in my ear and before he can do or say anything else, he is pulled away from me by Matthew, the girls behind him. He is extremely angry.

"Get away from her or else I will have you locked up in jail." Matthew clenches his teeth.

"Matt," Cameron begins. "I'm like Jason McCann, you can't keep me locked up."

And with that, he disappears to only God knows where.

I look over I Matthew to see that his face has softened. I shake my head and begin to walk away, when Tori and Grace go inside

"No 'thank you'?" Matt practically screams. "He could have kidnapped you!"

"Oh, like you?" I snap and he closes his mouth. "You are sleeping on the couch," I tell him and walk inside and in my room, ignoring everyone for the rest of the day and I go to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up too early because of the sun shining through my window. I forgot to close the curtains before I went to sleep last night.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stretch out my arms and legs, yawning. I am still so tired, but I am not going to go back to sleep.

I get up and take a long, hot shower and get dressed in some sweatpants and an old white shirt. Then I pull my hair up in a messy bun. I am going to have a lazy day today. Hopefully, I can get a song in today.

I pull some socks over my feet and tiptoe downstairs, carful not to wake Matthew's loud mouth. Luckily, he is asleep and I fix everyone breakfast without waking Matthew still.

I eat my food and go back upstairs.

I get a big stomach cramp and I look down. I am now 2 months pregnant and I am starting to show.

Denny has already told the press that I am pregnant and it is everywhere.

-Comment on how this chapter was please! And please vote. Bye.

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