Chapter Eighteen

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Danielle's POV (Alyssa's Mom)

I haven't seen my daughter Alyssa in a while, and especially since she just had Quincy, I decide to go see her. I haven seen him yet.

I quit my job because I want to spend more time with my daughter since I rarely do that nowadays and now I am looking for another one.

I hop in my dark green Jeep Ranger and drive down to her house.

I arrive ten minutes later and knock on the door, and Tori opens it for me. I greet her and she greets me back and she lets me inside. In the living room sits four boys I do not know, Tori, Grace, Alyssa, and Matt.

"Hey mom," Alyssa says and gives me a hug.

"Hello sweetie," I say once she pulls away. "Where's Quincy?"

"He's in our room napping," she answers.


I move farther into the living room and sit next to Matt, giving him a quick side hug.

All of a sudden, a high picked cry erupts in the house. Quincy.

"I'll be back," Alyssa says and walks out of the room.

"So who are all of you?" I ask the four boys sitting on the floor.

"I'm Nash," a boy with bright blue eyes says.

The boy next to him with the same eyes but younger says, "Hayes."

"Jack G," the boy with brown hair and brown eyes says.

"And I am Jack J," the one with blonde hair tells me.

"Nice to meet you all. I am Alyssa's mom, as you probably already know, but you can call me Danielle."

Alyssa's POV

What is my mom doing here? She should be at work right now since she works pretty much 24/7. I don't understand how she can possibly work so much and enjoy it. She is a huge workaholic and it is annoying whenever I do actually see her and all she talks about it work. Work. Work. Work.

That word still haunts me from when a was a kid because I would e home alone in the dark, crying myself to sleep. I will never forget any of those moments. All she did was leave me everyday for her job. What a mother she is, I think that she should win the award form Best Mother Of The Year, note my sarcasm. The last time I saw her was on my wedding, and I am still surprised she showed up, even though mothers are supposed to go to their child's wedding, even dads are meant to go, but I would not let my 'dad' or Rick go to mine. I wonder where he is even at now, not like I really care anyways.

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