Chapter Three

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Dawn's POV

"Tori?" I call out for her as I make my way down the stairs. Something has been bugging me for quite awhile and guilt has been consuming me.

"In the kitchen!" She hollers as an answer and I go in there, fidgeting with my hands as I become nervous.

"I need to get something off of my chest," I say to her and she nods, signaling for me to continue. I take a deep breath before I say, "I like Denny."

"Denny, Denny? As in Alyssa's manager Denny?" She asks and I nod my head slowly. I didn't want to tell Alyssa directly yet because I don't know how she will react exactly. I wanted to see what Tori thought of it.

"Yeah, he is cute. Please don't tell Alyssa," I tell her. "I want to make sure the timing is right, because although they aren't together, they used to be and they are pretty close."

"You know I am not the time of person to spill tea like that," she says. "You're secret is safe with me; you better tell her though."

"I will eventually, hopefully soon. I promise," I reply and give her a small smile before leaving the room.

Graces POV

I am really worried about all of the girls. Something seems really off about all of them. First, Alyssa is always in her bedroom or in the kitchen, and when she is in the kitchen, she makes her food and goes back to her room. She isn't as talkative and looks very bad. She is pale and has dark bags under her eyes. I know it is all because of the pregnancy, even though it has been a couple of days, but I am just worried about her health. She needs some sleep. Her body really needs it. Second off, Tori seems a lot more distant and upset. I wonder if it is about her boyfriend breaking things off between them two. Andlastl,y Dawn has been overly excited and smiley. It is really creeping me out, to be honest. It is like everybody is the complete opposite of who they really are, besides me. I'm my normal self. Hopefully, it is all fazes for them all, maybe.

Alyssa's POV

I am now laying in bed, looking at all of the text messages Matt keeps sending me. He sounds so desperate knowing he did something so wrong to me again. It is honestly getting in my last nerves. I go to his contact and block his number so I can no longer get texts from him.

I let my phone fall on my bed beside me and go to sleep.

Matt's POV

I try to send her another message, but an alert comes up on my screen.

It reads: "You may not be able to send a message to this number: 560- 216- 4554."

Ugh. She blocked me. And I was about to send her that video the woman from the park sent me instead of waiting for tomorrow to show her.

You see, I got on the plane at 12:00, it was a 5 hour flight, and added to that was an hour cab drive. I had to check in with the hotel I am staying at for two nights and make sure everything was set up. When I was done with that, it was already too late for me to go to Alyssa's house and show it to her in person. Now that I think about it, I should have just sent the video to her when I received it from that wonan. I am so stupid.

-Follow me and I will follow you back!!

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