Chapter 10 : So there's this boy

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I stepped out of the front door and took in a deep breath, the crisp air filling my lungs. It was a beautiful Tuesday afternoon, and I had decided to treat myself to some delicious food downtown. As I walked down the familiar streets, my mind wandered to my dad, he just told me he would not be home for a while, leaving me with some money for my solo adventures. Curiosity gnawed at me as I wondered where exactly he had gone. My dad had always been a hard worker, rarely taking time off for himself. This sudden freedom had piqued my interest, but I pushed those thoughts aside for now, focusing on the present moment, besides he barely gave me this much freedom, which is what even made this situation eerie. 

Deciding to share a slice of my day with my friends, I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture of myself wearing the outfit I had worn when Nitra and I went out a few days ago. A mischievous grin spread across my face as I added the caption, "Spontaneous foodie adventures!" Almost instantly, a notification popped up, indicating that Michal had replied to my Instagram story. With a mixture of anticipation and a hint of nervousness, I opened the message, only to find a sly, spicy emoji staring back at me. Instantly, my cheeks turned a shade of crimson, and a surge of emotions coursed through me. I decided to ignore him for now and distract myself with something else.

My eyes landed on an art supply shop nearby, and I couldn't resist the allure of creativity tugging at my heartstrings. With a newfound determination, I made my way inside, browsing through vibrant paints and brushes. As I perused the aisle, inspiration struck, and an image formed in my mind – someone dancing, their body fluidly moving to an unheard rhythm. With a sense of purpose, I rushed to the counter, paid for my purchase, and left the store with a smile etched on my face. The excitement of creating something beautiful fueled my steps as I continued my journey towards the pizza place where I planned to indulge in a cheesy slice of heaven.

Upon arrival, I spotted Dana sitting at a table near the window, her bright eyes lighting up as she saw me approaching. Dana had been my babysitter all throughout my childhood, and we had shared numerous cherished memories together. It had been far too long since we caught up, so I eagerly joined her at the table. As we delved into heartfelt conversations, laughter filled the air, and it felt as if no time had passed since the last time we were together. It was during our animated conversation that Dana mentioned her upcoming 21st birthday party. The theme? Pink and blue. She invited me with an enthusiastic grin, and I couldn't help but feel a warm surge of gratitude for her genuine friendship.

While appreciating the bond we shared, a strange sensation washed over me, causing me to look up instinctively. And there he was – Michal. Our eyes met, and a jolt of electricity surged through my veins. Why did his presence have to affect me like that? Instinctively, I excused myself from the table, needing to speak with Michal privately without the prying eyes of others. Navigating my way through the crowd, I found myself in a quieter corner outside the pizza place. Before I could utter a word, Michal held my lips captive, pulling me towards him. My surprise quickly transformed into exhilaration as his lips met mine in a tender, unexpected kiss. Time seemed to stand still as the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us immersed in a beautifully stolen moment.

"What are you doing here?" I inquired, to which he responded with a sigh before gently cupping my face in his hand. Drawing closer, he lifted my chin, compelling me to meet his intense gaze. His eyes smoldered with a fiery desire that seemed to sear through my very being, leaving me breathless in his presence.

"After that kiss, I told myself that I felt sorry about that kiss. That what I did was wrong," he said and I winced, thinking about Stassie.

"But see the thing is I lied to myself," he added.

"I wasn't sorry, I wasn't sorry about that kiss," he said and I knew he was right. Kissing him was wrong but it just felt so right and I felt myself leaning in for a kiss and then suddenly like a strong wave of an ocean current had just hit me he kissed me back. He kissed me back -hungrily. Actually I take that back because it is the biggest understatement of the year. He pushed me back and I suddenly hit the wall and he pinned me against it. His lips were begging me to welcome him in and I did. His hands wrapped themselves around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck but he held my hands and pulled them above my head and pinned them against the wall, again. He suddenly kissed me on my neck and sucked along my collar bone. He moved up on my neck and I had never felt this way before, about a boy. 

His kisses burnt hot on my skin with so much need and yearning and command. Almost like he was marking his territory, making it known that I was his.

"Kurva," he said in between his lips. For a while I thought I imagined it until he continued.

"Nemôžem na teba prestať myslieť" it felt like music to my ears, I had never heard him use slovak before. I knew he was slovak because of his legendary father but I never knew Michal was fluent.

"Si taká krásna,"

He said as he pulled away and started moving my hair out of my face.

"All I hear are crickets right now," I said and he chuckled.

"You're so beautiful," he repeated, this time in English. And I flushed. I held his face this time and pecked his nose on that chilly September afternoon and we looked into each other's eyes. Almost as if we feared that looking away would erase the moment. 

"Tvoja prítomnosť ma prenasleduje v mojich snoch"

"Music to my ears. Although I need a Google translator," I said and he laughed.

"I'll teach you," he started caressing my face with his thumb.

"So tell me about this redhead you couldn't get enough of?" I said and he chuckled.

"She haunted me all week after that kiss, a stubborn ghost she is," when he said that I started laughing out loud. I think it was in that moment I knew, that I was in trouble- that my heart was in trouble. 

HIS FROST BITE (A MICHAL MRÁZIK FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now