Chapter 1: The Journal

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It was the 27nth of August when I arrived to Nitra's house. Under the slate roof of the grand mansion of the Duncans I felt home as always. This house had housed so many of my teenage memories and right about now it felt different because I was in hiding from father. The man was terrifying alright. Universities were opening soon and everyone my age would be leaving for their first year, including Nitra- my best friend but not me. I had not even applied to a single university because I had no idea what I wanted with my life- but father had no idea or else he would skin me alive.

My father was a school teacher before he became a head of the department of education so education was important at the Larsson house and I had just disrespected that rule. The man had already bought me toiletries, luggage bags and even new bed sheets to take with to my first dorm but I had not told him yet. Trust me, I wanted to but that man was terrifying. When I was in grade ten I failed Mathematics on my report card and pretended to be sick all week just so he would forget about my report card but he took matters into his own hands and went to get my results himself at my school, let's just say I did not have access to my computer or cellphone for two months straight and I had to practice Mathematics everyday after-school for four hours!

I suddenly left the horrible place that was my mind when I heard laughter outside the Duncan house and headed for the window. I had taken refuge in Nitra's bedroom while she spoke on the phone with her long distance boyfriend- Nick in the corridor. Stassie Duncan, had just come out of the hot tub, soaking in her pink bikini set, her boyfriend- Michal was sitting a few metres away from her, nose in his cellphone.

"If you're done moping, you can join us!" She suddenly took note of me.

"No thanks, I want to mope some more," I said and she stuck out her tongue and Nitra suddenly walked back into her room like a blushing bride waiting for her groom at the altar.

"Not to rub it in your face but Nick and I will both be attending the same university," she said and i gasped.

"You literally prayed for this,"-"I know. We can finally be close to each other," she said and headed for the window. Then she turned back to look at me, concern etched on her face.

"Did your dad call again?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I think at this point he knows," when I said that she came to sit on the bed with me.

"It'll soon blow over, your dad will one day forget all about this and you'll figure out what you want to do with your life and get into an ivy league university," Nitra gave me a life threatening hug but my stomach churned from the thought of father.

However, as night fell and the house settled into a hushed stillness, a sense of unease crept in. Nitra had been accepted into a university,  along with Nick and half of everyone I went to school with and that only made me anxious, what would I even do back here when everyone leaves for their first semester? I felt left out. After tossing and turning into the night, I decided to go and journal my thoughts outside, perhaps I would finally clear my mind enough to fall asleep.

The Duncan parents were both involved in the property industry. The mother worked as a town planner, while the father was an architect, and their professional expertise was evident in the layout of the house. The intricate design felt homey, with every detail carefully considered to accommodate the entire family. The cool ambiance and thoughtful construction made it clear that the house was built with the family's comfort in mind. As soon as I arrived outside, I steppes on to the patio that led to a family table and chairs that had a view of the city of Snow view. I always enjoyed the view here and thought it evoked a sense of tranquility. 

As soon as I opened my journal, I collided with a solid mass and stumbled into the pool. My voice was barely recognizable as I plunged into the icy cold water, the autumn chill turning it into a shocking embrace. The piercing cold seeped into my skin, impossible to ignore as I struggled to regain my composure in the unexpected plunge.

But what was it that I hit?

"Tara? Tara?" I heard mumbles until I realized someone was above me, calling my name. The water had gotten into my ears, distorting my hearing.

"Tara, are you okay?" It was Michal, his broad shoulders and imposing presence suddenly bringing me back to life.

"Yes, I am," I finally said as he helped me out of the water and onto the marbled floors just outside the pool. My entire outfit had been soaked, and I didn't even want to think about my hair.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea anyone was outside," he said and I realised he was not wearing a shirt. Did he have some sort of supernatural tolerance to the cold or something?

"Me neither, I thought I would have some alone time, I honestly thought everyone was fast asleep," when I said that I noticed him stealing glances at my chest and then he looked away when he saw that I took note of it. I looked down at my chest and realised my nipples were out in the open, my pyjama top was so wet it was see through. I felt so embarrassed!

He walked away from me and headed for one of the pool chairs and came back with his shirt.

"Here," he said and I wore the shirt over my pyjama top, thankful for his generosity.

"You're going to have to get a new one," he said and pointed over to the water and that was when I took note of my journal, it wad floating away in the pool water. I felt a sigh leave my lips and I shrugged.

"Nothing a good hairdryer can't fix," I said and went to sit on the pool chair, I found Stassie's towel and started drying my hair with it. Michal was sitting down a few minutes from me awkwardly. I did not blame the guy, he and I practically never said anything more than the word hi to each other throughout the years. Matter of fact, I don't think he and I ever made it less than five metres close to each other. He was always attached with Stassie at the hip.

I heard a splash of water and that was when I realised he had jumped into the pool. I stood up when I realised he had gone to retrieve my journal.

"You honestly did not have to do that," I said and he left the water, small droplets of water cascaded down his ripped abs as he made it out of the water. He ran his hand through his wet long hair, some of it was now plastered down his side of the face. His face, it was hard to read his face but his eyes were so dark under the moonlight.

"It's okay, it's the least I could do, after giving you a mini hypothermia," a soft chuckle left my lips as I took the journal. The pages had been plastered down together and were sticking on each other.

"Well, good night," he said and left the pool to go back inside. I took a quick breath and realised I had suddenly stopped breathing in his presence.

I loved writing this chapter so much. Please hit the little Star at the bottom of this chapter and leave a comment 💕🤭😭.

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