Chapter 26: Dorm Room

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I waited at the airport in my black leather jacket and black jeans, shivering in the bitter cold of winter that seemed to have no end in sight. The tip of my nose felt like it was going to freeze off any minute now. Three weeks had felt like an eternity since I last saw Tara, and I couldn't wait for her to arrive so we could finally spend some much-needed time together.

Finally, I spotted her blonde hair from a distance, standing out against the sea of strangers. As she made her way towards me, a smile spread across her face, lighting up her features and filling me with warmth. I couldn't help but return the smile as she wrapped me in a tight hug, exclaiming how much she had missed me.

"I missed you too," I replied, feeling a surge of happiness at being reunited with her at long last. Tara always had a way of making everything feel right in the world.

We walked towards the exit, Tara chatting animatedly about everything that had happened in her life since we last saw each other. Her voice was a melody that I could listen to for hours on end. The cold air nipped at our cheeks as we made our way to the car, but in that moment, nothing else mattered except her presence by my side.


I followed Michal into the dorm room, a sense of intimacy and curiosity filling me as I took in the sight of his living space. The room was surprisingly neat, a contrast to the chaotic charm of a typical college dorm. Jerseys of hockey players adorned the walls, a testament to his love for the sport. Above his study desk, I noticed a poster of some hockey player, his idol perhaps, and scattered sticky notes with study reminders and doodles. His laptop was on, playing a Marvel movie in the background. I smiled to myself, taking in the scene. "So this is Michal's sanctuary," I thought, feeling a pang of realization that I had never seen his bedroom before.

I collapsed onto his bed, feeling the softness of the sheets and the warmth it held from Michal's body. He joined me, wrapping me in his strong arms playfully, and I couldn't help but laugh at the comfort and joy he brought me. "I wish we could move in together," he mused, his voice filled with longing. I playfully jumped up, "Nope, next thing you know you'll be proposing," I said and he chuckled while wiggling his thick eyebrows.

"That could also happen," he added, hinting a possibility beyond what we had ever discussed before.

We spent the day together, playing video games and embracing the intimacy we shared in Michal's cozy bedroom, I found myself deeply immersed in the blissful tranquility of our connection. The comfort and joy that radiated from being in his presence made me feel like nothing could disrupt our cocoon of togetherness. Every laugh, every shared moment only solidified the bond we shared and my heart swelled with contentment.

"I could use some snacks," I remarked to Michal as we lounged in his bedroom, the comfort of our shared space enveloping us in a cozy cocoon of togetherness. His warm smile met my gaze as he responded, "Make yourself at home, princess. They're in the cabinet in the kitchen." A sweet kiss on my cheek followed his words, spreading warmth through me as he excused himself for a bathroom break.

As Michal left the room, the faint sound of the door closing behind him marked his absence. I took a moment to revel in the peaceful atmosphere, the familiar traces of his presence lingering in the room. The scent of his cologne intertwined with the comforting musk of the room, creating a sense of tranquility that I cherished in these intimate moments with him.

With a sense of contentment settling over me, I made my way to the kitchen, guided by Michal's directions to the cabinet where the snacks awaited. The dorm room smelled like a mix of male armpit and stale pizza. The lingering scent of male armpit and stale pizza in the dorm room did little to deter me as I pushed past it, determined to find the snacks I sought. Despite the less-than-pleasant aroma, I pressed on, guided by the anticipation of enjoying a snack in the comfort of Michal's cozy abode.

As I rummaged through the cabinets in search of my desired snack, the sudden swing of the front door in the adjacent room caught me off guard, alerting me to the presence of another individual in the space. A familiar voice called out, uttering Michal's name – it was Stassie.


My heart leaped in my chest as a surge of panic washed over me, realizing that I was only clothed in my undies and Michal's oversized sweater. In my haste and nervousness, I accidentally dropped a fizzy drink, the sound of clattering items causing Stassie to call out for Michal once more. Frantically seeking sanctuary, I found refuge beneath the kitchen island, crouching on the cold floor in a bid to conceal myself from prying eyes.

"Michal?" Stassie's footsteps approached the kitchen and I could feel her shoes clunking along the kitchen floor. She stopped at the doorway, probably noticing my fizzy drink. Michal replied from upstairs, he had probably just left the bathroom, I thought. The fading footsteps of Stassie ascended to Michal's room and marked her retreat from the kitchen, giving me a fleeting moment of relief. However, my respite was short-lived as I attempted to leave my hiding spot, only to inadvertently collide with a solid figure standing before me.

I looked up only to meet Scott's eyes. I swore I only heard Stassie's footsteps.

"He's hiding you like his whore," he spat before storming off.

The sharp sting of Scott's words, laced with disdain and malice, cut through me like a blade, leaving behind a deep-seated sense of vulnerability and hurt. As the echoes of his cruel accusation reverberated in the kitchen, I felt shaken to my core, grappling with the wounds inflicted by his callous words. The aftermath of the tumultuous encounter left me feeling disoriented and out of place, as if the very foundation of the sanctuary Michal and I had created together had been momentarily shattered. Emerging cautiously from my hiding spot beneath the kitchen island, I struggled to regain my composure, the weight of discomfort and unease still clinging to me like an invisible shroud. When Stassie and Scott left, I did not even feel the relief I would have felt after almost being caught but I still felt Scott's words haunting me.

The gentle click of Michal's shoes announced Michal's presence, his concerned gaze searching my face as he asked, "Are you okay, Tara?" I forced a smile, the words "Yes, I am" tumbling from my lips in a blatant lie. The unease that clouded my thoughts was too heavy to shake off in that moment, lingering like a shadow over the promise of a peaceful evening together. As we made our way back upstairs, the silence between us felt heavy with unsaid words, the memory of Scott's cutting remarks still fresh in my mind.

Cuddled up in bed, the soft glow of the television casting a warm light over us, I remained lost in my thoughts. The weight of the day's events pressed on me, the memory of Scott's disdainful words a bitter pill that refused to be swallowed. Lost in my reverie, I jumped when Michal's voice broke through the silence, his words cutting through the fog of my thoughts. "Ever since Stassie almost caught us, you've been quiet. What's wrong?" he inquired, his concern palpable in the furrow of his brows.

I hesitated, the weight of the truth resting heavily on my shoulders, a burden I was reluctant to share. Attempting to brush off his question with a forced smile, I mumbled something about just feeling tired. But Michal, ever perceptive, refused to let it go. His eyes searched mine, a silent plea for honesty. And finally, unable to keep up the facade any longer, I caved under the weight of his unwavering gaze.

Taking a deep breath, I recounted the hurtful encounter with Scott, the raw emotion spilling out in a rush of words.

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