Chapter 27: My princess

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I couldn't believe what Tara had just told me. "He said what?!" My voice felt like it had left my body, the anger and disbelief ringing loud in the room. I got up from the bed, my heart pounding with fury, and Tara followed, her soft hands trying to calm me down, but I could not be soothed so easily.

"It's okay," Tara said, her voice soft and reassuring, but I shook my head vehemently. "No, Tara, this should not go unpunished. He's way out of line for insulting you like that," I stated firmly, my pacing reflecting the turmoil that churned inside me, and she followed me, her presence a grounding force amidst the storm of emotions.

"Just let it go," Tara pleaded, her hands cupping my cheeks as if to anchor me to the present. I stopped pacing as her touch softened my resolve. "Please, just let it go," she implored, her eyes searching mine for understanding.

"Let's not escalate things further. I can handle it. We don't need more drama," she reasoned, sinking onto the bed with a heaviness that mirrored the weight of the unspoken between us. I joined her, the unspoken tension hanging thick in the air, my silence a thin veil for the boiling anger that simmered beneath the surface.

"You don't deserve such treatment," I protested, a surge of protectiveness washing over me, but Tara merely shrugged, her expression filled with self-doubt that cut me to the core. The raw vulnerability in her eyes tugged at my heartstrings, compelling me to probe further.

"Why do I have a feeling that you think you deserve the way he treated you?" I asked, the ache in my chest mirrored in the furrow of my brow. Tara avoided my gaze, her admission hanging heavy in the air.

"Maybe I do," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, and my heart clenched at the thought of her carrying such self-doubt.

"Why would you say that?" I inquired, my heart breaking for the pain she carried within her, the wounds of her past still raw and unresolved.

"You know my mom was never around, right?" Tara began, her voice tinged with a hint of the sorrow that lingered from her past. I nodded, urging her to continue.

"Maybe the reason she left, the reason I'm not good enough for her is the same thing Scott sees in me, that I'm not deserving," she revealed, her words a dagger to my heart. As tears glistened in her round green eyes, my resolve wavered, the weight of her pain too heavy to bear.

"That's bullshit. I'm telling you right now. You deserve to be loved," I asserted, my voice laced with a fierce determination to dispel the doubts that clouded her mind. But Tara's response shook me to the core.

"Maybe I don't, maybe there's something awfully wrong with me," she confessed, her vulnerability a stark contrast to the light and laughter she usually radiated. In that moment, I pulled her close, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you deserve just as much love as anyone else in the world. Heck, even God loves sinners. You deserve it," I whispered, my words a desperate plea to banish the shadows of doubt that plagued her soul. Cupping her face in my hands, I pressed a tender kiss to her lips and forehead, the warmth of my love a balm to her wounded heart.

"You are deserving," I affirmed, my voice a steady anchor in the storm of emotions that raged within us. In that moment, my anger towards Scott boiled over, his actions casting a shadow over the light of my life, my precious Tara. She was my princess, my joy, and seeing her in pain tore at my very soul.

Scott had made Tara cry. Scott had made my princess cry. And in that moment, as I held her close, I vowed to protect her, to shield her from the cruelty of the world, my love for her burning fiercely in the face of adversity. Tara was the light of the room, the jokester, the beacon of joy, and seeing her broken was a pain I could not bear.

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