Chapter 38: Final Chapter

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As I stepped off the plane in the new town where I would begin my first year of university, a heavy cloud of sadness hung over me. The memory of saying goodbye to my father at the airport, the strained emotions between us palpable in the air, lingered in my mind. Despite our complicated relationship, seeing him visibly upset as he hugged me goodbye tugged at my heartstrings and left a bittersweet ache in my chest.

However, as I made my way to the apartment that would be my new home, a sense of excitement and happiness began to bubble up inside me. This wasn't just any apartment; it was also Michal's place. He had already started his internship a month prior and was currently at work. The fact that my university journey would commence in a place that already held a piece of him made me feel comforted and energized for the adventures that lay ahead. I was beyond nervous to be honest.

Unlocking the door and stepping into the apartment, I felt a rush of familiarity and warmth wash over me. The sense of home that enveloped me put me at ease, erasing some of the lingering sadness from the airport. The apartment smelt like him already. In the midst of unpacking and exploring my new living space, I stumbled upon a note left on the fridge. It was from Michal, and the words penned on it brought a smile to my face and a lightness to my heart.

"Welcome home, princess. I have no doubt that you will do amazing things in your first year of university. I can't wait to see you tonight for dinner out and hear all about your day. P.S. wear something fancy" His thoughtful gesture was a ray of sunshine in my day, instantly easing my nerves and brightening my anticipation for the chapters of university life that awaited.

As I read Michal's note, a sense of comfort and excitement washed over me like a gentle wave. The feeling of being cherished and loved, despite his absence when I arrived, warmed my heart. His endearing nickname for me, "princess," and his thoughtful gesture of planning a special welcome home dinner highlighted the effort he had put in to make me feel special and welcomed. The thought of reuniting with him later that evening filled me with eager anticipation and joy. I was so tired of seeing his face over the phone and not being able to cuddle with him was just heart wrenching. I decided to go eat out for lunch and just familiarize myself with the place.

As I made my way back to the apartment, the events of the day played over in my mind. The encounter with Nitra and Stassie weighed heavily on my thoughts. Despite knowing they harbored feelings of being wronged, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of regret for the way things had unfolded between us. The misunderstandings and unspoken words still lingered in the air, adding an undercurrent of unease to an otherwise exciting day.

However, as I stepped into the apartment, my focus shifted to the task at hand. I glanced at the time and realized with a jolt that it was already 5:30 pm. The realization that Michal would be arriving soon sent a surge of urgency through me. I needed to freshen up and find a fancy outfit before our dinner together.

Racing against the clock, I quickly made my way to the bedroom, my heart raced as I saw a figure standing in front of the closet. Panic surged through me for a brief moment, until I realized it was Michal. I let out a scream of surprise, and he turned around to face me with a smile on his face. Without a word, he opened his arms wide, and I ran towards him, feeling relief wash over me as I embraced him in a tight hug.

Feeling his familiar presence and the warmth of his embrace, I immediately felt a sense of calm and security. I couldn't help but laugh at my own overreaction, but Michal simply chuckled and held me close.

"Welcome home, princess," he said softly, his voice full of love and warmth. I smiled back at him.

"Gosh, I missed you. I was beginning to resent video calls," I said, and he nodded. His hazel green eyes stared at my every move.

"Fuck, I missed you," he said and pulled me into a kiss. An hour later, I think we both forgot about the dinner date and ended up under the sheets instead. I just really missed this gentle giant.

The familiarity of our connection wrapped around us like a warm blanket, and in that moment, there was no need for words. Our laughter mingled with the soft rustle of the sheets, creating a symphony of joy and contentment. As we lay entwined in each other's arms, I felt a sense of completeness that only Michal could bring.

Lost in the rhythm of our shared love, the outside world faded into insignificance. Time seemed to stand still as we basked in the glow of our reunion, cherishing each moment we spent together.

Eventually, as the evening wore on and the night sky enveloped us in its embrace, we both knew that this was where we belonged - in each other's arms, sharing a bond that transcended time and space. And as we drifted off to sleep, the gentle rhythm of Michal's breathing beside me lulled me into a peaceful slumber, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand.

HIS FROST BITE (A MICHAL MRÁZIK FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now