Chapter 17: Liar

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I arrived home, flat drunk that night so of course I was not shocked by the terrible hangover that I felt the next morning. Gosh, it felt like the most horrible thing I had experienced ever though it happened everytime I drank. As soon as I sat upright, I saw the red head I went home with coming out of my bathroom. I had even forgotten about her for a second.

"Morning cupcake," she said, loud for a morning. She had red hair and was wearing a very familiar set of clothes which I realised were mine.

"Look, my dad will be up in a few moments so should I get an uber for you or you'll get one?" I asked and she gasped.

"You're kicking me out?" She asked, visibly confused. But I was just as confused, I'm pretty sure she knew what would happen after agreeing to come home with me last night.

"I thought we spoke about this last night," I said and looked at the time. It was six a.m and I knew my dad would be up already.

"Fine," she said and grabbed a bag.

"But I'm keeping the clothes," she said and left. I honestly did not know how to deal with the situation. She left before I could tell her to have a safe trip. But I knew I did not really put much effort into this entire situation because of what happened yesterday with Michal. He and I had been friends for years, but lately, it was like I was meeting a different version of him. Yesterday he just snapped and I was tired of his moods. He could not take it whenever I spoke about Tara. I did not care if he was having problems with Stassie. That did not give him the right to blow off like a bull after seeing red!

I took a quick shower, the water cascading down my tired body, washing away the remnants of last night's drunken escapades. As I stood under the stream, I made a decision - I needed a break from Michal. His recent behavior had been wearing me out, and I just couldn't deal with his mood swings anymore. So, I decided to take a step back and give myself a breather from our friendship.

With Michal temporarily out of the picture, my thoughts turned to someone else - Tara Larsson. I reached for my phone and decided to text her, maybe even ask her out on a nice young date. Tara was the type of girl who exuded confidence and charm, and I found myself drawn to her fiery personality. Her red hair, shining like flames in the sunlight, ignited a spark within me. I scrolled through her Instagram feed, my eyes glued to her pictures, each one a work of art capturing her beauty and energy.

As I admired Tara from afar, I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to get to know her better. She seemed like a breath of fresh air, a burst of vibrant color in my otherwise mundane life. The idea of going on a date with her excited me, and I couldn't help but imagine spending time with her, getting to know the person behind the captivating images on my phone screen.

So, with a newfound sense of determination, I crafted a message to Tara, keeping it light and casual. I hit send, my heart racing with anticipation. Would she say yes? Would we have a chance to connect on a deeper level, beyond the superficiality of social media? Only time would tell, but for now, I allowed myself to bask in the hope of a potential new beginning, a chance at something real and meaningful.

I headed for the club later that evening, ready to let loose and forget about the troubles of the day. The thumping music and flashing lights welcomed me as I stepped inside, the familiar atmosphere offering a sense of comfort in the chaos. But before I could fully immerse myself in the club scene, a chance encounter at the mall changed the course of my night.

As I made my way through the mall, browsing aimlessly, I spotted Scott, my friend and fellow hockey team mate, along with Dana, his girlfriend. We exchanged greetings and caught up briefly before I continued on my way. It was then that I saw Stassie, Michal's girlfriend, entering a fancy restaurant with her girlfriends. The sight of her triggered a pang of guilt and frustration within me as I remembered the strained dynamics between Michal and me.

Michal had been acting out of character lately, his behavior erratic and difficult to predict. I couldn't fathom the reason behind his sudden mood swings and erratic actions, but a part of me couldn't help but sympathize. I knew how tough his dad could be on him, always pushing him to be perfect and never allowing room for mistakes. Perhaps Michal was struggling with father problems, and it was manifesting in his interactions with those around him.

Feeling a sense of empathy, I decided to reach out to Michal, hoping to offer him some support and companionship. I suggested we go clubbing together, thinking that a night out might help alleviate some of the tension between us. However, Michal's response caught me off guard-

 - he claimed to be with Stassie, despite the fact that I had just seen her at the restaurant with her friends

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- he claimed to be with Stassie, despite the fact that I had just seen her at the restaurant with her friends. The pieces of the puzzle didn't quite add up, and I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of suspicion that lingered in my mind.

Why was Michal lying about being with Stassie? Was there something deeper going on that I wasn't aware of? The questions swirled in my head, leaving me with a sense of unease and uncertainty. I tried to brush off the doubts, telling myself that maybe Michal simply wanted to be alone, but the nagging feeling of doubt persisted, clouding my thoughts as I navigated through the club's energetic atmosphere.
I received a text from my mom she was happy in Paris, that she would probably visit New Falls next month. We talked, and then I got a call from my dad who said we would have dinner on Friday with Elle and that it was important because he might even propose to this woman. I groaned and hung up, feeling frustrated.

I decided to go clubbing with Ethan, trying to distract myself from all the drama in my life.

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