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Since she lived in London with her boyfriend, Zendaya waited a whole other three months to before she could see me again. It was the first stop for her ,really. Before anything else, she'd always passed through Atlanta on the grounds that it was the closet she  could land when hitting the continent.
"And this happened before I left ?" She asked.
"Yeah..ooohh and Harry was there the party.." I finally compiled but Zendaya did not look suprised at all. Infact,she immediately went back to licking her ice cream coated spoon.
" Ooh Tom says he's outside so we should sit tight" she said, reading the notification that had just popped up on her phone.
"Kk that rhymes.." I hinted then proceeded to eating the Sunday in between us when I felt Zendaya sit up straight.
" Aaaaandd they bought themselves a Sunday,mate" I heard a male British accent clarify right behind me. My heart raced for some reason but relaxed a little as the man made his way next to Zendaya and two more people sat on the two sitter couch besides me to the left.
"It's ok, Tom..I have a sore throat anyway" a female replaced immediately. I  knew that voice and it was the gravity of circumstances that made me lift my head to see if she was the one. It was Yara and with her on that two sitter was Harry, someone I  hadn't  seen since the second day of the party. For Yara,it was a blur but an understandable one. The guy besides her, not so much. Especially after our one night stand.
"Kk good .." zendaya giggled through her teeth. They never really saw eye to eye, these two. Ever since Yara accused Zendaya of taking her role as Mitchell Jones in the last three Spider-Man movies. Words ofcourse where exchanged but one thing that stuck on my mind personally was Yara's tweet 'atleast I don't have to slut my way into a spot.' yeah, it was hectic.
"Oh hey , stormy.." she waved and I waved back , dropping my head down immediately. My plan was to now simple. Make it through this meet up without any bruises, physically and mentally.
"So I hear the party went well.. sorry we couldn't stay long for it" Tom began.
"Yeah,well...I'm not" Zendaya said out loud and I mentally face palmed. So close.
"Then it's a good thing it doesn't matter... right storm" Yara returned then looked at me
"Umm what.." I sounded out.
"Umm the party..tell her how it didn't matter that she wasn't there" Yara replied. Clever.
"Yara, don't you think it's time to leave" Harry finally said.
"No, we just got here.." the girl shrugged,not wanting to take the hint.
"So ahhh you two are..." I managed to gather everything in me to ask them both and they looked at each other and then back at me. Yara was a whole sunshine while Harry's entire Express threatened the weather.
"Yep... But secretly because he thinks the attention would be too much" Yara replied and Harry smiled nervously.
"Atleast you're not a one night stand" I joked on a more serious level and she threw her head back, laughing while her boyfriend's stare never left mine. He was locked and loaded but couldn't fire because why would he.
"Oh yeah ,thank God.." she expressed in relief. Boy, did I wish to be her in that moment. But just that moment alone. The rest of the time felt evenly spent on awkwardness for everyone else. Zendaya even insisted, openly before leaving that she would make up for whatever trash I had to deal with while Yara was there.  The thought was nice. Rudely placed in Yara's face because Zendaya ofcourse,had to get the last laugh, but nice.

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