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Though my journey with Yara had come to a stop,the one with storm was just beginning. I had no proof of that, ofcourse. But I could feel it. She wasn't completely gone and our story was just at the pick of it's hemlock.
" Sorry about Yara, bro" Sam said , trying to make me feel better.
"Even though she was never your type" he added and he and our littlest brother ,paddy laughed historically. A bunch of assholes. I loved them to death but there was just something about them that seemed to bring out the sibling in me.
Slowly but sure ,I lifted my queen piece and placed it beyond the bishop that belonged to paddy and he laughed before snatching her away.
" I tried to tell you...never leave your queen in the open like that" Sam said, shaking his head. Something in that sentence awfully fell hard inside of me ,like I needed to take heed to it and just then the oldest amongst us dashed his way into the living from the kitchen. Tom never really did care match for knocking. He prefered to come in unannounced and before we got used to it ,this shit hole would scare the rockets off of us. Especially when he'd visit me .
"Mmm woah ...hope you've heard that mate... never"he joined in sitting next to my twin. He meant something there. Thomas never just spoke from without.
"Harry ." Paddy alerted me and I shook my head , getting back into the game .
"So what's new , assholes.." Tom asked , referring to all of us and we all  groaned in disdain.  His attempts to shake our concentration from the game were unmatched. Purposely,he was annoying. As in, the man knew it but he couldn't stop cause he meant it

 As in, the man knew it but he couldn't stop cause he meant it

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" Well, Harry just broke it off with Yara" paddy announced. Okay. Odd enough or not so, really... Tom looked like he had just received some very  casually good news.
"Well,this is good news , Harry..I'm happy for you" he smiled, patting my back.
"Yes ,do tell  how it ended in the least..." Sam added. Like I said,a bunch of fucking assholes.
"She ..she.. said something..and ...I almost hit her " I said and the piece that paddy was about to move fell from his graspe by accident as they all stopped to look at me. I got up, running my hands into my curls once again. I did that a lot . When I was out of it. You know,the normal.
"Well, say something,guys" I pleaded. My little brother shook his head out of loss for words and my twin sighed , hopefully not out of breath.
"I mean...I hate the girl, Harry.. but.." he said .
" She couldn't have said something that was so bad.." he added.
"Unless...." Tom began, getting up from where he sat.
"She did.." he left off while placing his hand on my shoulder. My brother didn't say much with the way he looked at me but I felt he had something to share. A lot , actually. 
I swayed from left to right, struggling to decide whether to say it Infront of the two people sitted or have this conversation else where. 
" Harry..." I heard Sam call after me as I bolted for the door outside the kitchen entrance.  My twin's back yard was small but richly dressed in some of the most beautiful plants and flowers you could ever find in London. I loved these flowers ,though I'd never see myself tending to them or hiring someone to do it for me either. Some called it lazy but I just called it sleeping off the unneeded necessity.
The door behind me opened and closed , signalling another human being had come out to join me in my quest to sob over what was never lost or ordained to have been lost,which ever.
" She's in London,you know" he said as his shadow found the roses to the left.  I couldn't ask who because I knew that I knew who. My heart just stopped to skip a beat ,two by two counts  placed over some crotchet.
"At my place.." he added,not taking much of his efforts in doing so.  I mentally did a personal stress check  count  down from one to ten. Not for me but for him. He knew. The fact that he wasn't killing me as we spoke in that garden was absurd because he fucking knew..I could have been the father. Even I had begun to think I was.
"Tom.." I breathed.
"You know I was gonna hit you too . Probably do a few damages .. threaten you like you did Ms shahidi" Tom said. I fucking knew it. I was dead.
" But she ...kk she begged to not give a shit about what you forget like she had.. has" he hinted out loud.
" She has..?" I asked,my heart praying for him to laugh at it ,the sentence and say it was all a joke.
" I don't believe her..I think, neither does she..but she has to.." Tom said.
"So don't fuck this up like you already have...for some reason " he warned.
"I want to see her.." I decided.
"In your dreams" Tom said immediately after.
"Tom,you don't understand.." I began to plead.
"No , you don't understand..which is weird because you're supposed to be smarter than that "tom interrupted.
"Tom.." I shook my head.
"How could you do this ,mate..what was running through your head and why.." he asked. The answer was right behind my teeth, praying to not be accidentally released. But it had to be, despite the  things I would lose after.
"My regrets .." I let out, dedicating the next few minutes to summarize the shameful passed I had shared with my ex.

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