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Harry knew the fawn premier was important to me but he didn't know why. I honestly preferred to not tell him why either and I was just lucky he couldn't press further. Despite me playing one of the main roles ,the reason for not even mentioning such an event would have been well understood better. Yara was there.
"Alright just one stop over there" I whispered in his ear while staring at the cameras that kept taking shots of us.  Being that he was in a hurry,I knew he needed to not stay longer than needed and that I had to go with him when he did.
"No worries, Love.. look at me" he said , getting my attention. I moved closer in my attempts to try and hear whatever he had to say when he kissed me... Infront of everyone. Cameras , people,live streams .. the list goes on. I  hid my face behind his curls when he leaned in , shielding me. His arms around my waist, holding onto the last bit bravery I had left in me.
"Harry... everyone's watching" I said, taking a little peek at the flashing lights before hiding again. Harry  laughed, kissing my neck.
"I know .." he breathed then stood aside to let me lead the way off the point of focus.
"Don't trip.." he said, guiding me through. My golden yellow dress went up to my feet and even touched the floor. I could have in those hills I strongly protested not to wear. But I didn't. Thank God for Harry.
"Thanks.." I smiled, leaving him behind. He could have found me in the car too because I attempted to make an exit behind someone that was being interviewed about the movie. The problem...Yara was that someone.

"Yes and I can't wait to see the movie and

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"Yes and I can't wait to see the movie and.." she said.
"Oh wow.. Storm" she called so I definitely stopped. We were in the eyes of thousands.
"Hey Yara.." I streamed when she finally caught up with me.
"Hey..ahhh.. leaving early.. isn't Harry coming" she asked,a bit nervous.
"Yeah umm he'll be right behind me.." I responded.
"We could have stayed for the movie but ... Hartley is home " I added.
"I get it ..." She gave me a node.
"Not like alone.. she's with Tom and Zendaya " I hesitated.
"Right.." she breathed. I smiled , preparing to leave.
" Rosario told me...that the role of fawn was supposed to be yours instead of Jessi's " she stalled.
"Oh ah kk really...I had no idea" I lied.
"She said you declined,storm.." Yara interrupted before I could lie further.
"I really... don't " I hesitated, shaking my head.
"I'm had to do that..or felt that you had to do that" Yara apologized and I gave up. Clearly it was no use lying.
"I didn't even audition.. Jessi did " I confirmed, confidently.
"Yes but...I was wrong ,storm.." Yara said.
"The producers look at the history of characters you portray in every movie when making that call" she said.
"Zendaya wanted to..on her behalf Incase I saw you.. she's sorry " I recited, poorly.
"Tell her that I'm the one who should be sorry..for everything " Yara responded.
" I was so caught up on what I thought I should have had that I lost myself..." She admitted.
"I think I've done that before too" I comforted, remembering the time I almost went through an abortion because of how much I thought I'd lose.
"And it was all my fault" she said.
"No ...not all of it..." I said, stretching my hand out to wipe a tear that fell from her right eye.
"I'm sorry I fucked your man kk" I hinted a little.
"Kk also my fault...and you didn't know he was ..."Yara laughed along with me.
"And I'm sorry about him kissing me Infront of every..kk everything.. Harry has no limits" I explained.
"Because he loves you.. he's aloud to have no limits" she said.
"And that's where you and I differ with him." She added.
"I don't think I.." I tried to let out.
"When Harry realized that he loved me, I was the only one that knew" Yara started as though remembering his exact words.
"But the second it clicked ...that he loves you... everyone... everyone knew kk even me" she sighed at the end.
"I'm sorry.." I whispered. I could tell that she really loved him.
"No ,I am... Jessi was right..I went too far" she corrected.
"You had reasons.. wasn't all bad" I tried to make her feel better.
"Kk I guess not" she laughed, looking at someone behind me and I could already tell who it was by their sent and the look on her face.
"Take care of him,ok" she said and started on her way, walking past us.
"I will.." I whispered. I knew she heard me cause she turned around a little and smiled then continued going.
"You were supposed to be in the car" Harry said , pulling me into his atmosphere.
"I was supposed to be on a date this afternoon but...guess what happened" I smiled.
"How dare you.." he whispered.
"You're throwing shots ,I don't see why I shouldn't" I styled , walking ahead of him.
"Can I atleast touch it as we leave" I heard him asked. I wasn't really sure what he wanted to touch but I had a few ideas and they weren't all innocent.
" You are sick.." I concluded.
"You have no idea" Harry left off  and I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous he was.

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