Chapter 1

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After a few minutes, Lucy woke up and looked around. She felt a pain in her side and looks down. She reads what the tattoo says; DOD12919. 

Caleb: "Do you know what this is? Tell me then."

Lucy: "My day of death." She just laid there, planning ways to escape from this hell.

At the station:

Jackson and John meet up in the bullpen.

Jackson: "Have you this Lucy today?"

John: "Um ... uh, no, not yet."

Jackson: "She didn't come home last night."

John: "Well, you know she's a grown woman. Why? Are you worried?

Jackson: "No. I-I mean, yeah, a little. I-I texted and called. But there's still no answer."

John: "Her phone could be dead. You know she's always complaining the charger in her car doesn't work."

Just then Nyla walks into the bullpen.

John: "Hey Harper. Did you see Lucy in the locker room?"

Nyla: "No ... why?"

John (to Jackson): "If she's just running late and we ring the fire alarm, she'll get dinged, but -"

Jackson: "But - If we don't and something terrible -"

Nyla interrupts him by calling out.

Nyla: "Sergeant."

Grey and Tim walks over to join the group

Grey: "Yeah. What's up?"

Nyla: "Go on, tell him."

John: "Lucy did not come home last night. She's not responding to texts or calls."

They discussed her whereabouts from last night, talking about her date with Caleb. Everyone worked on gathering as much information as possible.

Grey (to the whole station): "Okay everyone, listen up! Officer Lucy Chen has not been seen for approximately 13 hours. Given the circumstance, we cannot rule out abduction. So stop whatever you're doing. I want everyone on this until she's located. Notify S. O., see if they can shag calls for service."

The gang came back with all the information they had gathered about Lucy and Caleb, they went into the roll call room.

John (to Nyla): "If anything's happened to Lucy -"

Nyla quickly interrupted him.

Nyla: "Don't go there. If she is in trouble, the only way you are good to her is if you are focused solely on saving her, not playing worst-case scenarios."

Back with Lucy:

Caleb: "Oh, hey. You're up. I'd offer you some, but it's better if your stomach's empty, you know, later. All the screaming tends to make you (he motions gagging)."

Lucy: "Well, can- can I at least have some water?"

Caleb: "Oh, of course. I'm not a monster."

Caleb allows her to have a few sip then moved the water bottle away.

Caleb: "Don't get greedy."

Lucy: "So is this why you hit on me in that bar? Why you asked me out? So you could make me a victim?"

Caleb: "Oh. No, no. I see the confusion. You weren't the target. You were just a happy opportunity that I saw. I was there scoping out Armstrong. Honestly, I don't know what Rosalind sees in the guy, she could do so much better. But who am I to judge? We all have our fetishes."

Lucy: "Are you gonna bury me in Rosalind's third unmarked grave?"

Caleb: "I think so? I was gonna put Nora in there, but then your friend screwed that up."

Lucy: "Well then why are you doing this?"

Caleb: "You know, that's more of a second date question, and unfortunately we're just not gonna get there. I'm sorry. Now, I got to get to it. I got a lot to do before I put you inside."

Lucy: "Wait, wait, wait. Uh, why the tattoo? Is it some display of ownership? The ultimate control over another person, deciding when they die?"

Caleb: "Oh no, it's not for me, silly. It's for you. To force you to face the truth of your death. It's the gift of something we rarely get in life. Clarity."

Lucy: "Did Rosalind teach you that?"

Caleb (angrily): "No! That's mine."

Lucy: "I just thought, Rosalind is your mentor, so -"

Caleb interrupted her.

Caleb: "No, no, no. It's not like that. We're equals."

Lucy: "Does she know that?"

Caleb gives Lucy a glare.

Caleb: "You know, you're good, Officer Chen. I'm gonna enjoy this. More than I thought I would."

Back with the others:

Nyla and John go to question the victim they saved. She provided a bit of information but not much at all. They met up with Grace to ask her a question.

Nyla: "How long would it take to suffocate in an oil barrel?"

Grace took a deep breathe before answering.

Grace: "It depends on the situation. If the lid is sealed in place, only 21% of the air inside that barrel is oxygen. So every time she breathes in, she's absorbing some of that oxygen, and every time she breathes out, she's adding carbon dioxide to the air. So if she can stay calm and breathe shallowly, she can last for several hours. But not longer than that."

John and Nyla both thanked her then they left.

At the station: 

They received the footage from the bar Lucy went to and saw she exited with Caleb. They had all the information on the boards displayed for everyone.

Grey: "The license plate on Caleb's car was reported stolen earlier that day. Officer Chen's car was found in the alley, where she left it last night. Which means, we believe Caleb is Rosalind's protege and he took Officer Chen. I know how upsetting this is, but we have to remain focused. She's counting on us. Any other questions?"

Everyone was quiet, the news hint Tim like a truck plowing into a wall. He couldn't believe it and was blaming himself for all of this, although she was his rookie, they were close. He walked out of the room and quickly pulled out his phone, dialling the only person he could turn to.

Angela: "Hey, what's up?"

Tim: "Hey. Lucy's been taken. I need you."

At Angela's house: 

She pulled her gun and badge out of the drawer."

Angela: "On my way, now. (to Wesley) Get dressed now. You're coming to the station with me."

Wesley: "I can stay here."

Angela: "No, Lucy's in trouble, and I want you with me so I don't have to worry."

Wesley was off the couch in a second.

Wesley: "Okay, give me one minute."

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