Chapter 10

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Tim carries Lucy out of the hospital, he sees Grey waiting outside of his car.

Tim: "Baby, Grey's here." He walks over to Grey.

Tim: "Hey sir."

Grey: "Hey guys, you have been checked over? Luce, how are you feeling?"

Tim: "We just need a few days of taking it easy and then we should be as good as new."

Lucy: "Hey, I'm okay. I'm sorry for the scene at the location. I know not to have one person as a support but he makes me feel super safe."

Grey: "Hey, no need to apologise. I understand how you need time to fully feel safe, I'm grateful that Tim is able to help you in that way. He takes really good care of you. I'll give you a hug when you're ready." Lucy looks at Tim, he nods and she puts her arms out toward Grey. He give her a look where she responds with a nod, he comes close and Lucy wraps her arms around his neck. Grey holds Lucy close, providing some comfort to her, Tim is in awe seeing his girlfriend reaction with Grey.

Tim: "I don't want Lucy to get mad but she has been looking at you as a father figure for a while now. I'm so happy that she has so much support." Grey is a bit confused.

Grey (to Lucy): "You think of me as a father figure?" Lucy pulls her head away.

Lucy: "It seems silly but my parents never gave me any love, you have been so nice to me since I started and I feel safe with you as a father figure."

Grey: "Oh Luce, I'm sorry for your parents but happy that you are comfortable with me. You're different to all the other rookies that I have had come through the station, there was something about you that made someone that I wanted to know more about. I see you as a daughter to me, I'm more than happy to be a father to you."

Lucy: "Really?"

Grey: "Of course." He kisses her on the forehead.

Grey: "Now, let's get our princess home." Lucy giggles at the nickname that he gave her. Tim nods and hops in the car, Grey helps Lucy into the car and onto Tim's lap. The drive was full of conversation, jokes and laughter.

They got home and Tim carried Lucy into the house, they say their goodbyes to Grey.

Tim: "How about we get ready for bed?"

Lucy: "Okay." They get ready for bed and laying together cuddling up to each other. Tim got a text and had a look at it.

Tim: "Oh no." He put his phone down.

Lucy: "What's up?"

Tim: "Grey just texted me, Angela and Nyla want you to work with them tomorrow." Lucy can feel panic set in.

Lucy: "What? I don't know if I'm not sure about it."

Tim: "I know baby, but we will make sure you have your ear piece so if you need we can talk to me. I'll get Grey to assign me to desk duty is I'm around for you. If you need to, either talk to me or head to Grey's office because you do trust him."

Lucy: "Ok, you promise you'll be there in the station."

Tim: "Of course, Grey will sign off on the request. Now breathe for me." She calms down and they fall asleep. In the morning, they get ready for the day. Tim pulls Lucy in for a hug and then pulls away to grab a box. He pulls out their ear pieces.

Tim: "Baby, here you go." He went to pass it to Lucy.

Lucy: "Babe, could you put it on for me?" He nods, slowly and gently putting her ear piece in. Then he puts his own on. They test to make sure that they work. The whole way to the stations, they held hands and Tim proves comfort for Lucy as he knows she is stressed about being away from him. Tim parks up at the station.

Tim: "I know your stress, but I'm going to be here the whole time. Grey has approved me for desk duty okay?"

Lucy: "Okay, but I don't like the idea of being away from you."

Tim: "I know." They kiss and walk in, going to the locker room and parting ways." They met up outside the lockers and Tim gives Lucy some reassurance before heading to roll call.

Grey assigned everyone their assignments and dismissed everyone. Lucy nervously walks over to Angela and Nyla.

Lucy: "Hi guys, I was assigned to you."

Nyla: "Hey, yeah. We would like you to work on this case with us." Angela and Nyla explains the case to Lucy. They were working hard and Lucy started to panic a little, it was now lunch. Lucy walked over to where Tim was, she was fidgeting with her hands and Tim notices. 

Tim: "Hey, you ready for lunch?"

Lucy: "Yeah." They head out to get their lunch, once they had their lunch Lucy started to walk over to the tables when Tim spoke.

Tim: "Hey, let's sit over here." She follows him to a private park away from the station. They both sit down and Tim extended a hand, Lucy was confused.

Tim: "Come here." Tim pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her. Tim didn't say anything but just held her close.

Lucy: "Thanks."

Tim: "No problem baby, you're doing well." Lucy nuzzles into Tim.

Lucy: "I miss you."

Tim: "I miss you too."

They finish eating and head back to the station.

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