Chapter 12

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A few days later, it's their next two day off.

Tim: "If your up for it, why don't we celebrate our marriage?"

Lucy: "Mmm, let's celebrate." She pulls him close, pulling him against the wall and kissing him passionately. He pulls away.

Tim: "Hey, you don't pin me against a wall. That's my job." He moves so now she is pinned against the wall. He picks her up, moving away from her lips to her neck and started sucking it. Lucy moans.

Lucy: "Babe, I can't wait. I need you." Tim pulls away and carries her into the bedroom, placing her on the bed.

Tim: "Who does who first?" Lucy moves up to her knees in front of his cock. She wraps her hand around his base and moves her mouth to cover his cock. She starts going slow then increases the speed, she could feel Tim's hand hesitating to hold her head. She pulls his cock out of her mouth.

Lucy: "Babe, I know you don't want to force me to do anything. You can do whatever you want to me okay?" He nods, she returns to sucking his cock and felt his hands on the back of her head. When she took his length in he guided her head down further and held her head at the base of his length. She gags and pulls back then went down again, Tim holds her head there and then let her look back. As she pulled back, Tim released in her mouth. Holding the load in her mouth.

Tim: "Baby, you don't have to. I won't be mad if you spit it out." She swallows his load.

Lucy: "Babe, I told you that I would always swallow your load. I'm never not going to swallow your load." Tim kisses her, pushing her on the bed and bent down. He sucked her nipples while massaging her breast, he moved down to her vagina.

He licked her while fingering her, he moved up to her clit and sucked it. Lucy moans and reaches her climax, cumming all over Tim's fingers. He brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks them looking at Lucy.

Tim: "Mmm, you taste delicious. Now, do we have nice sex or sex that could led to you not being able to walk?"

Lucy: "Well, I like the sound of not being able to walk." Tim and Lucy went at it for four hours. Tim was thrusting into her roughly and she moaned loudly. She would scream his name every now and then.

They were laying there cuddling together after their fun. Lucy needed to go to the bathroom, she went to get up but fell back on the bed.

Lucy: "Babe, you 100% destroyed my legs. I need to go to the bathroom."

Tim: "Okay, come here." He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and went to leave.

Lucy: "Could you stay, I'm scared that I'm going to hurt myself." Tim stayed and helped her back to bed. They fell asleep.

They woke up at 10am, both of them were super horny. They had sex and Lucy's legs were completely destroyed, so Tim carried her around everywhere, which they both enjoyed.

Tim: "Baby, I'm so sorry that I destroyed your legs."

Lucy: "Hey babe, no need to apologise. I actually enjoy it, but I'm nervous for work tomorrow."

Tim: "I know, we'll go on desk duty. But how do we explain why you can barely walk?"

Lucy: "I think we should start dropping hints, let them figure it out for themselves. I'm sick of hearing that last name, I want to use my actual last name."

Tim: "I know Mrs Bradford, we'll start giving hints. But we will need to call Grey first about it." They call Grey.

Grey: "Hey Bradfords."

Lucy: "Your alone?"

Grey: "Yeah why?"

Tim: "We are going to start dropping hints for the others, also Lucy needs desk duty as we may of went a little hard in the bedroom and Lucy can barely walk without any help."

Grey: "Ok, you both have desk duty tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up. I'll see you tomorrow." They hang up the phone. Tim cooked dinner and helped Lucy out.

They woke up to their alarms going off.

Lucy: "Morning babe."

Tim: "Morning baby, how's your legs today?"

Lucy: "Not too bad but still need help to walk around." Tim helped her get ready, they head to the station. Walking in Lucy wrapped her arm around Tim's to support her. People were staring at them and they said that Lucy's legs were hurt.

They went to the changing room that was hidden, Tim helped Lucy to get dressed and they went to roll call. Tim helped Lucy to her seat before he went to his.

Nyla: "What does your girlfriend think about you helping Lucy?" Tim acted like Lucy wasn't the person they were referring to.

Tim: "She's okay with it, complete understands why I want to help my friend."

Angela: "Okay, what's with the ring on your finger?" Shit, Tim doesn't know what the best why to explain this one but remembered what Lucy and him spoke about their rings.

Tim: "My girlfriend brought a promise ring and I wear it."

Nyla: "Okay but when do we get to meet your girlfriend?"

Tim: "I have to ask her but she still needs a bit of time." They nod. Grey did roll call, but saw Lucy's face when she heard the name 'Chen' because he knows how much she hates it. He sworn that he wouldn't use it after this roll call. Roll call was dismissed, Tim waited for everyone to leave to go help Lucy. They went to Tim's office.

Tim: "Hey, what do you think about shopping at a jewellers before our date?"

Lucy: "Why?"

Tim: "I want to get you an engagement ring so then all we need to do is plan the wedding."

Lucy: "Okay, let's do it."

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