Chapter 14

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Everyone was celebrating the news about their co-workers. Everything was going well until...

Woman: "Lucy Chen!" Lucy immediately tenses up and clings to Tim.

Woman: "Let go of that poor man, aren't you going to say hi." Tim and Lucy both turned around to see Lucy's mum.

Tim (whispers): "Is that your -" Lucy just nods and Tim tightens his grip on Lucy. Everyone got confused.

Lucy: "What do you want?"

Lm: "Is that anyway to talk to your mother? But seriously let go of that man, Lucy Chen I taught you better than that."

Tim: "Well is that anyway to treat your daughter?"

Lucy: "I'm not a Chen anymore, I haven't been a Chen for a few months. I'm known now as Lucy Bradford."

Lm: "So you got married, the man must a pity on you. He'll probably leave you soon." Lucy was on the verge of tears. Tim moved her so her head was resting on his chest, allowing her to hear his heartbeat.

Tim: "I'm that man! I have been with Luce through her best days and worst days, never leaving her once. Luce is such an incredibly strong woman and always making me proud of her. I love her so much and I vowed that I would never leave her ever."

Lm: "Whatever. You're just saying that, we all know that you will leave her eventually." Tim couldn't stand how her mother was treating her.

Tim: "I'm never leaving her, I almost lost her once and I'm not going through that again. Now, if you have nothing nice to say to my wife then you can leave." She stood there not moving a muscle, so Tim looked around and found Grey.

Tim: "Grey?" He knew that Grey understood what he wanted done.

Grey: "I'm on it, take care of your girl." Grey escorted Lucy's mum away. Tim brought all of his attention to Lucy, but John came over to provide some comfort to Lucy. As he moved closer to Lucy.

Tim: "Nolan, back off."

John: "I want to comfort her." He went to touch her.

Tim: "Nolan, don't." He still didn't listen and moved his hand on her shoulder, this caused Lucy to jump and freak out. She starts panicking more with everything going on, John finally backed off after seeing Lucy's reaction. Tim tightened his embrace around Lucy.

Lucy (shakily): "T-t-tim?"

Tim: "Yeah baby, I'm here. I got you."

Lucy (shakily): "Y-you n-not ... g-going to l-leave m-me?"

Tim: "Baby, I love you so much and I'm never going to leave you. You're stuck with me. Now I need you to breathe for me, follow my breathing." Lucy followed his breathing and calmed down. Tim then moved them over to a chair where he sat down and sat Lucy on his lap.

Lucy: "Thanks for standing up to her."

Tim: "Of course, anything for my gorgeous wife." Grey walked back in and Tim signal him over to them.

Grey: "I'm so sorry Luce. But she is gone now." Lucy peeled back from Tim, turning to look at Grey. She looks at Tim and he nods, then she looks back at Grey and he also nods. Lucy quickly wraps her arms around Grey and he wrapped his around her.

Lucy (softly): "Thanks dad for your help."

Grey: "Anytime princesses." They pull apart and Lucy went back on Tim's lap.

John: "What the hell! She freaks out when I want to comfort her but is okay with Grey."

Nyla: "Seriously, are you blind? How can you not see what's going on?" John was still clueless.

Angela: "Lucy only fully trusts Tim and Grey. She found comfort in Tim when he saved her and he was there for her during everything, so it makes sense why she only happy with those to comforting her."

John: "It sucks, as Jackson and I are her best friends but we can't help her."

Jackson: "You got to drop this John."

Tim: "How about we go home and head to bed?" Lucy nods and Tim gets up.

Lucy: "Could I speak to Angela and Nyla please?"

Tim: "Of course. Angela, Nyla could you come here for a second."

Nyla: "What's up?" Tim looks at Lucy.

Lucy (softly): "You both have kids, so could I come to you guys if I have any questions?"

Angela: "Of course, Lucy you don't need to ask us. Feel free to come to us anytime, we don't care if you call us at night."

Nyla: "We're always going to be here for you and are going to offer you a hand." Lucy nods in appreciation. Tim looks down at Lucy, seeing how upset she was having to hear that name.

Tim: "One last thing before we leave, please refer to my wife as Lucy Bradford and not her maiden name." Everyone agrees as the couple heads home together.

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