Chapter 5

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Tim: "Everything is ready for you." He went to walk away when Lucy grabs his arm.

Lucy: "Can you stay? I don't want to be alone.

Tim: "Okay, I'll sit over here." Lucy tugs at his arm.

Lucy: "Can you stay with me?"

Tim: "Like near the bath?" Lucy shakes her head.

Tim: "You mean in the bath?" Lucy nods her head.

Tim: "Are you sure? It'll be our first time." Lucy moves closer to Tim.

Lucy: "I know that I'm safe with you. Plus I want you with me right now." Tim nods.

Tim: "Ok, I'll wear my boxers and hop in, looking away while you get undress."

Lucy: "Tim, I don't car if you see me naked. You don't have to wear you boxers, I want you to feel comfortable as well."

They both get undress, Tim smiles over at Lucy noting how beautiful she truely is. Tim being the gentleman hops in first and then helps Lucy get into the bath. They cuddle up to each other.

Tim: "This could easily sound mean, but please don't take offence but our uniforms does not do your body any justice. I knew you were beautiful but you're incredibly beautiful."

Lucy: "Aww thanks babe, you handsome either way."

Tim: "I'm the luckiest guy ever. I have an incredible girlfriend that I care deeply about."

Lucy: "Well, I have the best boyfriend. He's always protecting me and won't leave anyone hurt me." He cuddles up to her tighter.

Lucy (in between giggles): "Babe ... I need to wash myself." He still doesn't let go of her.

Lucy: "Timmy, please." He sighs and lets go of her, she misses the warmth of his arms but then came up with an idea.

Lucy: "Babe, do you want to wash me?" Tim raised an eyebrow.

Tim: "Really?"

Lucy: "Yeah, plus I miss your warmth already." Tim smiles, she passes him the product she uses. 

He starts by washing her legs, but didn't go to close to her private area. He washed her arms while she is laying on him. He then moves to washing her stomach before stop, she felt him pause and got curious.

Lucy: "Why did you stop?"

Tim: "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, and you DOD tattoo is right there."

Lucy: "Babe, I wouldn't of asked if I was uncomfortable."

Tim: "Luce -" He got interrupted, when she grabbed both of his hands and moved them closer to the breast, she then guided his hands up her breast and then removed her hands. 

He slowly starts to move his hands around her breast, giving them a massage. Lucy relaxes into Tim fully, enjoying his touch and loving his massage. He finishes washing her breast.

Tim: "Baby, lean forward for me." She leans forwards, he washes her back.

He starts massaging her shoulders. After a few minutes he finishes, she leans but on him.

Lucy: "That was amazing. I love your massages."

Tim: "Only the best for my baby." He kisses her neck. They get out of the bath, Tim passes a towel to Lucy. They dry off and gets dress. Tim only puts a pair of boxers on, while Lucy wears shorts and one of Tim's shirts. They then crawl into bed and cuddle together.

The next day, everyone was out on patrol. When they were called to a scene. Everyone was splitting up, Lucy and Tim got split up. Tim worked out a way to keep Lucy calm in situations when they weren't today, he got an ear piece for her that they would talk to each other with. Before they split up, Tim pulled Lucy aside.

Tim: "You got your ear piece?"

Lucy: "Yeah and a back up one."

Tim: "Good job, now I'm only a call away but will be talking to you the whole time. Now be safe out there."

Lucy: "Okay, you be safe as well." They part ways, constantly talking to each other. Everyone was searching when, Lucy was walking along and got lost in the building. She started panicking and Tim could hear her, trying to calm her down.

Tim (over radio): "Can someone close to Chen find her? She got lost and is a bit panicked." Tim was getting worried about his girlfriend. John found her in a state closely follow Nyla. They ran over to Lucy who was curled up in a ball.

John: "Hey Lucy, it's okay we're here to take you back to the group." He went to go touch her when she flinches and moved away.

Nyla: "Lucy, it's us. We're here to help."

Lucy: "Where's Tim? I need Tim." Nyla nodded her head and grabbed her radio.

Nyla (over radio): "Bradford, we found her. She's asking for you and we aren't able to calm her."

Tim (over radio): "I know, I heard."

John (over radio): "How?"

Tim (over radio): "It's a long story. Could one of you tell her to listen to me? I need your location."

John (over radio): "I'll can and get you, then bring you to her."

Tim (over radio): "Ok."

Nyla: "Lucy, Tim told me to tell you to listen to him." Nyla was close enough to notice the ear piece Lucy was wearing.

Tim (in the ear piece): "Luce, I need you to calm down for me. You're okay, Nyla's there with you. I'm on my way but I need you to breathe for me."

Lucy: "I'm scared, it's scary."

Tim (in the ear piece): "What happened?"

Lucy: "I was searching and got lost, I could find my way and started panicking."

Tim (in the ear piece): "I know, I'm moving as quick as I can. I'm sorry, I didn't realise we would have to be this far apart."

Lucy: "It's okay." A few minutes later, Tim walks over to them.

Tim: "Lucy." She looks up to see him with his arms extended. She moved into the embrace and she calmed down.

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