Chapter 9

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They sit there for a few minutes, making sure that they were all okay. They were interrupted.

Grey (over radio): "7-Adam-100, Bradford, Chen do you copy?"

Tim: "7-Adam-100, we're okay. One in custody and we are on our way out."

Grey (over radio): "Ok, copy that." They look at each other. Tim gets up and looks down, helping Lucy up. She tries walking but nearly falls, Tim catches her.

Tim: "Hey, lean on this for a second. I'll get the suspect up and then come over so you can lean on me for support."

Lucy: "Okay." Tim walks over and grabs the suspect, then walks back to Lucy. He allows her to wrap her arm around him, then he wraps his arm around her to pull her close and support her. They slowly walk back, walking at Lucy's pace so she is comfortable. They walk over to the others, an officer running over to take the suspect away.

Their friends come over to them.

Nyla: "What happened to your arm Tim?"

Angela: "Lucy, are you okay?"

Tim: "We're fine, the bullets just grazed us. We have already cleaned the sites out." Grey waves the paramedics over to look at them. The paramedics look over and say that they will need to go to the hospital to check over them. They were taking them to different ambulances, Lucy was panicking as Tim wasn't there with her. She started kicking and fighting, her screams were heartbreaking and loud.

Lucy (screaming): "NO! LET ME GO, I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE." Angela and Nyla walks over trying to clam her down but everything they did, did nothing and she wasn't calming down.

Lucy (scream): "LEAVE ME ALONE! LET ME GO! LET ME GO, PLEASE." Grey heard this and so did Tim, his heart broke hearing his girlfriend like this. Grey gives him a look telling him to go over there. Grey call Angela and Nyla over to give Lucy some space. They watched as Tim walked over to the ambulance and climbed in.

Tim: "Luce, it's me. It's Tim. (To the paramedic) Could you please give us some space please." The paramedic nods and leaves.

Tim: "Luce, baby. I need you to come down for me." Tim pulls Lucy over to his lap, wrapping his arms around her. He makes sure that her head is resting on his chest. After a few minutes, Lucy has calm down.

Lucy: "I'm sorry ..."

Tim: "Baby, please don't apologise. You have nothing to apologise for."

Lucy: "I was so scared, it reminded me of that day and ... not having you with me made me very overwhelmed."

Tim: "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think about going in the same ambulance, I'm extremely sorry."

Lucy: "It's okay, you're here now and that's all that matters to me."

Tim: "Okay, why don't we go to the hospital together?" Lucy nods, still gripping onto his shirt tightly. He got up and went to put her down but she wouldn't move. He carries her to the opening of the ambulance.

Tim: "We're ready to go." They nod and Tim went back to the stretcher in the ambulance, sitting down with Lucy in his arms. They arrive at the hospital, Tim carries Lucy into the hospital. A nurse came over with a wheelchair and went to take Lucy away from Tim.

Nurse: "Miss, I need you to hop into the chair and we need to get you checked out." Lucy didn't move, so the nurse got a few others to help her out. One of them touched Lucy and she flinched.

Lucy (quietly shouting): "PLEASE DON'T TAKE ME! NO, NO." She shouted becoming restless in Tim's arm, the nurse kept trying to move Lucy.

Tim: "Please stop, she doesn't like being forced to do anything she's not comfortable with. I need to get my arm check and she needs her leg checked so please find us a room." The nurses leave and one came back, guiding them to a room.

Nurse: "I'll give you guys a minute, allowing you to help her and calm her down." The nurse left.

Tim: "Baby, you're okay. I know you don't want to be in the hospital, especially not alone. But, I'm here. You can look up and see me here with you." Lucy moves her head and looks up to see Tim. She pulls him in, giving him a kiss and making sure he was actually there.

Lucy: "I know that I shouldn't rely on a single person, but you make me feel super safe and I feel protected whenever I'm with you."

Tim: "I know, but I'm glad you feel comfortable around me." Lucy has relaxed, the nurse comes in and checks on their wounds. She wraps them and they get discharged.

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