Chapter 17

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Over the next six weeks, Lucy and Tim took wonderful care of Skylar. Skylar didn't wake up during the night and hardly cried. Lucy and Tim had to wake her up to feed her as she loved sleeping but they knew everything could change. Tim called Grey asking if they could bring her to the station when they returned.

It was their first day back, they walked in and went over to their friends.

Nyla: "Hey mama, is that baby Skylar."

Jackson: "Nyla don't talk so loud, you'll wake her up."

Tim: "Honestly, just talk normally. So far, she sleeps all night and hardly cries. We actually need to wake her up to feed her as she just sleeps."

Angela: "Can we hold her?"

Lucy: "Of course." They all took turns passing her around and holding her. She snuggled up to everyone, when she was in Grey's arms she moved and snuggled right up to him.

Tim: "We have something we would like to ask."

Lucy: "Grey, would you be her grandfather and could Luna be her grandmother?"

Grey: "We would absolutely love to."

Over the day, Skylar stayed with Lucy. She was well behaved and everyone adored her so much.

The next few months, Lucy slow gain trust in men but she still preferred to be with Tim as much as possible. Skylar is now 7 months old, she has started to crawl around. Lucy, Tim and Skylar were all spending time together as a family.

Tim walked off to the kitchen to get a drink, Lucy watched how Skylar crawled away following her father so Lucy watched. Skylar got so far and then pulled herself up, she slowly took a few steps and walked into the kitchen. Tim turned around to walk back ...

Tim: "Skylar? Luce, Skylar's here. Did you move her here?"

Lucy: "No, she crawled and then pulled herself up, walking over there." Tim was surprised that his daughter was walking around, so he crouched down to her level.

Tim: "Hey Skylar, do you want to walk over to daddy." Skylar slowly walked over to Tim with a smile on her face. She reached Tim and he picked her up, carrying her back to the couch.

Tim: "She can walk. I'm the proudest father ever." Lucy went to speak.

Skylar: "Dada." Lucy and Tim both looked at Skylar.

Tim: "Sweetie what did you say?" She giggled.

Skylar: "Dada." He kisses her on the head.

Tim: "Well done sweetie. Do you know who this is?" Tim moved Skylar so she was facing Lucy. Skylar looks at Lucy and she starts thinking. There was a moment of silences which dragged out, Lucy was losing hope of her saying anything.

Lucy: "It's okay, I'm happy she said her first word, I'm gonna go get dressed." Lucy started walking off, Tim knew she was a little hurt. Skylar face grew a smile and she was super happy.

Skylar: "Mama!" Lucy stopped.

Skylar: "Mama!" Lucy turned around. Skylar tugged on Tim's shirt, so he put her down. She steadied herself and started walking over to Lucy, when she reached her mum she hugged her legs. Lucy picked her up.

Lucy: "I'm here honey." She kisses her on her forehead.

The following months, Skylar was walking around with the occasional crawl and she also started running. Tim was living his best life, he had the most incredible wife and had a daughter that was basically like a mini version of Lucy. Tim was so proud of how far Lucy has come and watched her grow into an amazing officer and an incredible wife.

Everyone at the station loved when Skylar would come to the station, she spent time at the day care and then spent time with Grey when he wasn't busy. Angela and Nyla allows offered to babysit Skylar so Tim and Lucy could spend some time alone.

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