Chapter 2

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At the station:

John was discussing about the girl that Nyla and him saved a few nights ago.

John: "Nora was abducted two nights ago. We found her 18 hours later, already tattooed and about to be put into a barrel to be suffocated. This makes Caleb's timeline from abduction to death approximately 24 hours."

Jackson: "So we have less than 10 hours to find Lucy."

Nick (a bit closed minded): "Unless we're wrong and she's dead already."

Nyla couldn't take the negativity anymore and interjected into the conversation.

Nyla: "No! Look, I know I haven't known Lucy as long as the rest of you, but I do know that she is a fighter. She's gonna do everything she can to stay alive until we save her."

With Lucy: 

She broke free and then Caleb walked in. She punched him and fell to the ground. She quickly got up ran outside calling for help. When she saw where she was, she kept running but tripped over. Her and Caleb fought some more but he managed to overpower her, dragging her away.

At the station: 

Everyone was following up on any tips. Angela and Wesley arrived at the station and headed over to Tim and Jackson.

Tim: "Hey. Thanks for coming in."

Angela: "Of course. Grey's got you on tip lines?"

Tim: "Nothing says "We got squat" like listening to the public tips. Day off?"

Wesley: "Yeah, something like that. Can I help?"

Tim: "What's your tolerance level for cranks and asshats wasting your time?"

Wesley: "I'm a public defender."

Tim: "Have at it." Tim storms off and Angela follows him.

Tim: "This is fucking useless. We should be out on the streets, kicking down doors."

Angela: "But whose doors?

Tim: "I don't know, but, I-I can't just sit here and wait around."

Angela: "Wait up!" She stops him from walking any further.

Tim: "I'm fine. Just blowing off steam."

Angela: "I get it, but you got to get your head in the game."

Tim: "I don't need a pep talk right now."

Angela: "Then why'd the hell did you call me? Clearly, you need to get something off your chest."

Tim: "Look, she- She wanted to go home. Okay? Go to bed. I told her that she should focus on something else. She went out with Caleb because I told her to."

Angela: "You couldn't have known." She felt bad that her best friend is blaming himself, she has never seen him like this before.

Tim: "But I should've, because I'm a cop. I was standing this close to the guy. Okay? Right across from him, and I never saw him coming. But she did, though. She- Some part of her didn't feel right about this whole thing. She hesitated. And I-I pushed her right at him."

Angela: "Okay, why the hell are you beating yourself up this hard about this?" Tim hesitated.

Tim (whispered): "I think that I have feelings for her." Angela heard what he said and pulled him in for a hug.

Angela: "We'll find her, I won't tell anyone okay?" He nodded his head and they returned to the search. 

With Lucy:

Caleb was walking her to the barrel, she was biting back at him trying to escape. She couldn't do anything. He forced her to get into the barrel, she dropped her ring before getting in. He closed the lid and buried her underground, then taking a moment to gloat off his work. 

Lucy started panicking, she couldn't believe what was happening. She broke to ties on her hands but wasn't about to do must.

With the others:

They were following up on clues that led to dead ends, at this point Tim was losing hope of finding Lucy. All of a sudden, Jackson came out with something that changed everything. Tim regained a bit of hope of finding her.

Angela got a tip about something at the graveyard, they headed over. Angela walks over and notice something on the ground.

Angela: "Over here!"

Grey ran to Angela's location.

Grey: "What?"

Angela picked up the photo and showed Grey the picture.

Angela: "We're too late."

Grey was distressed at the sight of Lucy in the barrel, she was a ray of sunshine but her mood was so different in the photo.

Back at the station, everyone gathered and shared what they found out. They rushed to the helicopter while Nyla and John drove to the house. Everyone was anxious about what they could possible find.

Back with Lucy:

She knew she was running out of oxygen and time. She slowed her breathing to save as much oxygen as she could. To fully calm her down, because she was ready knowing this could be the end. She starts singing to calm all her nerves.

Lucy: "Stars shining bright above you

Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"

Birds singing in the sycamore tree

Dream a little dream of me

Say "Nighty night" and kiss me

Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me

While I'm alone and blue as can be

Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear

Still craving your kiss

I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear

Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you

Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you

But in your dreams whatever..."

She passes out in the barrel.

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