Chapter 8

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A few weeks later, Tim and Lucy have been giving each other blowjobs everyday. Tonight Tim got Lucy close, she releases and Tim leans over her. He starts kissing her, when all of a sudden ... Tim's dick accidentally slipped into Lucy, she lets a gasp. When Tim went to pull out, she wrapped her legs around him and pulls him closer to her, making him go deeper in her.

Tim: "You sure?" She nods. He starts slowly thrusting slowly and Lucy moans softly. After a bit of time going slow, Lucy knew that Tim wouldn't hurt her in any way.

Lucy: "Babe, you can go faster." Tim nodded, as he started to go faster he would constantly check with Lucy for the speed.

A few hours later, they have both cummed a few times. Lucy is snuggled against Tim's chest, enjoying his embrace.

3 months later, Lucy and Tim have been dating for 4 months now. Still no one knew expect for Grey. They have had fun in the bedroom, with Lucy using Tim's handcuffs to handcuff him to the bed frame which he enjoyed very much. Lucy has become more comfortable since her kidnapping, every now and then they use the room Grey has for them.

The gang were together in roll call working on a case.

Angela: "Hang on a second. Tim has been too happy for a while now."

Nyla: "He has a girlfriend." Lucy mind is laughing at how long it has taken them but has also kept well compose to avoid any suspicious. 

Tim: "Ok fine, I have a girlfriend."

Jackson: "Oooo, who is she? Can we meet her?"

Tim: "I would need to talk to her before sharing anything about her, but she does get uncomfortable. I will introduce you guys to her when she is ready."

Angela: "Oh come on! I want to hug and thank her for making you this happy."

Tim: "I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to." They all head off to the scene. Grey was supervising the scene and gave out the pairs, he ensured that Tim and Lucy were together.

They all break into their pairs. Tim and Lucy start walking around their assigned area. Tim grabs hold of Lucy's hand, holding it and giving some light squeezes. Lucy looks up at him.

Lucy: "I'm okay babe, I have you by my side."

Tim: "I know, I'm wanting to provide some support and comfort."

Lucy: "I know and I appreciate it. I have to find it funny that everyone has just started to work out that you have been happy. I appreciate you saying you don't want to force 'your girlfriend' to do anything that 'she' doesn't want to do."

Tim: "I wanted to break out laughing at them for how long it has taken them. I meant what I said, we don't have to tell anyone about us until you feel ready." She smiles and he kisses her forehead.

Everyone continues searching the building, when they all hear gunshots. Tim and Lucy have found the suspect. They were shooting shots, when he shot Lucy in the leg.

Tim: "Baby, you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah babe, it's just my leg that was hit. Keep shooting." Tim continues two shoot, a bullet grazes his arm. He hits the shooter and goes to arrest him, setting him up in a corner of the room. Lucy and Tim met each other, Lucy saw the blood on Tim's arm.

Lucy: "Babe, are you okay? You arm." He pulls their first aid kit out, taking his shirt off to see the wound. They both look at it.

Tim: "It just grazed my arm, let's have a look at your leg." They both sit down and Tim rolls her pant leg up to expose the wound.

Tim: "It grazed your leg, so you shouldn't need to get stitches." Lucy nods.

Tim: "I need to clean that and cover it. I'm sorry, this will hurt. At anytime just tell me to stops, grab my hand if you want to hold it and squeezes me if you're feeling the pain."

Lucy: "I don't want to hurt you."

Tim: "You won't and I'm offering because you are not going to hurt yourself due to the pain."

Lucy: "Okay babe." Tim warns her that he is starting. He is cleaning the wound, she is in pain. She quickly reaches for his hand, he gives his hand to her without hesitation. She squeezes his hand tightly, he briefly stops.

Tim: "You want me to stop?" She nods, he moves over to her and hugs her tightly. After two minutes Lucy lets him know he can continue, he works faster this time but also making sure that he is gentle. He covers the wound and wraps a bandage around it.

Tim: "All done. Here take these to help with the pain." He hands her the tablets and she wakes them.

Lucy: "Thanks babe. Let's get you fixed up." Lucy pulls him close. Everyone else started regrouping to repot their findings to the others.

Tim: "Baby what are you doing?"

Lucy: "You took care of my wound now I'm taking care of your wound." Tim pulls her close, she sits between his legs.

Lucy: "You know the drill. But hug me tighter if you are in pain okay?" He nods. She lets him know that she is starting, he winces in pain as she is cleaning it. With one hand she grabs his other arm to wrap it around her. She felt the hug getting a little tighter and stops. She turns to look at him, pulling him in for a kiss and then pulls away.

Lucy: "Babe, I told you about the pain and what to do if it hurts. I know you are always so tough but it's just me here, you can let the wall drop."

Tim: "I'm sorry for not saying anything."

Lucy: "It's okay. You don't need to apologise for it. You ready for me to continue? I promise I'm almost down." He nods and she continues, keeping him talking so he isn't focused on the pain. She covers the wound and then wraps a bandage around it.

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