Chapter 4

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Tim and Lucy have been dating for a few weeks. They told Grey and he was happy for them, he knew they wouldn't let this get in the way of their job. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone. 

Tim has helped Lucy so much, he even went to her therapy sessions as she requested. They have been on a few dates at quiet places. Lucy is still not comfortable in public settings but she is getting better, knowing Tim is always with her.

It's Lucy's first day back and she was walking around with Tim.

Tim: "One quick thing, Nyla has requested you to ride with her to help you." Lucy hesitated a little and Tim quickly continued.

Tim: "We'll bump into each other during the day, plus you can text me if you feel overwhelmed. Nyla can provide another perspective okay?"

Lucy: "Okay, but I want extra cuddles tonight then."

Tim: "Of course princess, anything for you." 

Tim's and Lucy's day was not bad. Lucy texted Tim when she was a bit unsure and he was able to calm her and helped her. She is grateful for what Nyla did for her. It was end of shift, they were talking in the ball pen when Nyla came over.

Nyla: "Hey guys, were going out to a bar would you like to join?"

Tim & Lucy: "Okay." She left and they headed to Tim's truck.

Tim: "Just let me know if you want to leave okay. Don't over do it please."

Lucy: "Okay, I will. We'll just say that you're taking me home for bed okay. Everyone knows that I'm staying with you anyway, they just don't know about the other thing." 

They arrive at the bar, Lucy took a big inhale. Tim gave her hands a light squeeze. They head in, this was the first time Lucy was at a bar since her abduction. She was really nervous, but knew Tim wouldn't leave her side. They arrive at the table with the others.

Nyla: "Hey guys, glad you could join."

Tim: "Hey everyone." Lucy turns and looks at Tim, he could see she wanted to say something. He bends his head down so he could hear her.

Lucy (whispers in Tim's ear): "The sits are too packed, I'm scared."

Tim (whispers to Lucy): "Would it help if, you and I sit on one side and the others can sit on the other side? Then Nyla or Angela could sit in that seat that will be near you."

Lucy: "Ok, please." Tim nods and moves his head again.

Tim: "Is it okay if Lucy and I sit on one side of the table, then either Angela or Nyla could sit in the sit there." He points to the chair. Angela looked at Lucy and saw her expression.

Angela: "Yeah that's fine. I'll sit in that seat." Everyone sits down and got talking. 

Jackson: "Okay, what does everyone want to drink?"

Angela & Nyla: "Wine."

John: "Volka."

Tim: "Beer." Lucy didn't answer, Tim gently tapped her shoulder.

Tim: "Hey, do you want anything to drink?"

Lucy: "Just a water."

Jackson walked off and got their drinks, brings them back to the table.

Jackson: "While I'm standing, anyone want food?"

Everyone: "Chips." Tim looks over at Lucy.

Tim: "Lucy, you want to have your own plate or take them off my plate."

Lucy: "Steal them off your plate please."

Tim: "Of course." Jackson went and orders five plates of chips and came back to the table. 

Everyone engaged in conversation expect Lucy. She was playing with her hands while. A guy from the bar came over to the table.

Guy: "Well hello gorgeous, how about I get you a drink?"

Nyla: "Who the hell are you talking to?"

Guy: "That pretty one." He pointed at Lucy, she looked up and got scared. Under the table, Tim quickly moved a hand to hold Lucy to give her comfort.

Angela: "Your seriously an idiot, aren't you?" She shows her badge and he runs away. Everyone turned to look at Lucy, she was getting flashbacks and squeezed Tim's hand tight.

Tim: "I'm not being rude but I should get her back home."

Nyla: "Of course, she doesn't look 100%. We'll see you guys tomorrow." Tim says goodbye and then turns his attention to Lucy.

Tim: "Hey Lucy, let's get you home." She just nods. She walked out of the bar with Tim by her side, they got into Tim's truck. Tim placed a hand on her leg for her to hold, he looked over at her while driving then pulled into a parking lot away from the bar. He parks and stops the car. Lucy looked at him a bit confused.

Tim: "Come here." She climbed over to Tim's seat. She snuggled down into his embrace.

Tim: "Your okay, I'm here." Tim places a kiss on her head.

Lucy: "Thanks."

Tim: "Anytime baby. When you're ready, we can go home and cuddle." After a few more minutes, Lucy got back into her sit, holding Tim's hand and he drove home. They pull up to Tim's house, Tim walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.

Tim: "Walk or carry?" Lucy puts her arm up, Tim leans in and grabs her out of the car. Carrying her to the house.

Tim: "Baby, would you like to open the door please." Lucy opened the door and Tim closed it with his foot. Tim walks to the bathroom and places Lucy on the counter, he pulls away from her.

Tim: "I'll run a bath for you, is there anything that needs to be added?" Lucy explains how she likes her bath, once Tim has finished getting the bath ready he helps her off the counter.

Tim: "Everything is ready for you." He went to walk away when Lucy grabs his arm.

Lucy: "Can you stay? I don't want to be alone.

Tim: "Okay, I'll sit over here." Lucy tugs at his arm.

Lucy: "Can you stay with me?"

Tim: "Like near the bath?" Lucy shakes her head.

Tim: "You mean in the bath?" Lucy nods her head.

Tim: "Are you sure? It'll be our first time." Lucy moves closer to Tim.

Lucy: "I know that I'm safe with you. Plus I want you with me right now." Tim nods.

Tim: "Ok, I'll wear my boxers and hop in, looking away while you get undress."

Lucy: "Tim, I don't car if you see me naked. You don't have to wear you boxers, I want you to feel comfortable as well."

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