Chapter 13

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Their day was fairly slow and very boring, but at least they had each other to hang with.

After their shift, they went to the jewellers to pick up an engagement ring. Tim wanted Lucy to choose the perfect ring and was happy to pay for the right ring. 

They went to place Tim described for their date. It was out of the world experience for both of them. Lucy loved how caring Tim was but felt back that he always paid for everything.

Lucy: "Babe, I want to pay next we go out."

Tim: "No baby."

Lucy: "Why?"

Tim: "Because, I want my princess to save your money so you can treat yourself. Plus I like treating my wonderful wife." She giggles.

Lucy: "Ok babe."

The next day they went to work. They met up with the others.

Jackson: "Lucy, stop for a minute." They stop walking.

John: "What's that?"

Lucy: "Oh this, it's nothing."

Nyla: "No, that's not nothing that's an engagement ring."

Angela: "Who's the lucky guy?"

Lucy: "Just this amazing guy that I met."

Nyla: "Seriously, you and Tim are both so mysterious about your partners."

Jackson: "We want to meet your partners." Grey walks out.

Grey: "What's going on?"

John: "Lucy and Tim are being so mysterious about their partners and we want to meet them." Grey looked over at Lucy and Tim.

Grey: "Their personal life is none of your concern so leave them alone."

Angela: "You know who they are dating, don't you?"

Grey: "They told me for reasons so stop pushing them." Just then Lucy ran to the bathroom, where she started throwing up. Tim followed her quickly and held her hair while rubbing her back.

Tim: "Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah, I don't know why I'm feeling like this." There was a moment of silence.

Lucy: "Shit, I'm late. What if-"

Tim: "It's going to be okay Luce, we'll figure it out. Now let's go check to be on the safe side." Lucy nods and they walk out, telling Grey they are going to the hospital.

After a few test, the doctor came into the room.

Doctor: "So Mrs Bradford, it appears that you are a month pregnant. Congratulations. You are discarded." The doctor leaves.

Lucy: "I'm pregnant, what if I'm not a good mum? What if s-" She was interrupted by Tim.

Tim: "Hey, you are going to be an amazing mum. I can't wait to meet our kid."

Lucy: "Same, I want to have a mini you running around the house."

Tim: "No, I want a mini you. But how about we settle on wanting a mini us running around."

Lucy: "Agreed."

They went back to the station and straight the Grey's office.

Grey: "Everything okay?"

Tim: "Well, we have something to share..."

Lucy: "I'm pregnant."

Grey: "Congrats, I'm so happy for you."

Lucy: "We were also wondering if you and Luna  would be the grandparents."

Grey: "We'll be honoured to, I love you guys so much."

Tim & Lucy: "Love you too." They went back to work.

A few months later, Lucy's baby bump was starting to show. She was three months pregnant and the morning sickness was no joke, but Tim stayed by her side the whole time and helping her. Everyone still doesn't know about them and they are seriously surprised that no one worked it out. 

Today they are going to a party with their friends. Lucy and Tim got ready, Lucy worn a hoodie to hide the bump. They decided that they would tell everyone. At the party, Tim had an announcement to make.

Tim: "Okay, I have an announcement. Seeing as you want to know who my girlfriend is, I'm going to introduce you to her. But actually, she is my wife." Everyone was shocked and confused.

Angela: "You got married without telling us?"

Tim: "Yes I did, but now could Mrs Bradford come here please." There was a moment of silence and everyone looked around, Lucy just stood there waiting a moment. Lucy walked over to Tim, she pulled him in for a kiss.

John: "What!" They pull away from each other.

Nyla: "No way."

Jackson: "How long have you two been together?"

Lucy: "The day after you guys saved me from being abducted."

Angela: "How have we not noticed?"

Tim: "We decided to keep it quiet, Grey knew so he could help us out. Lucy wanted to marry me so we eloped and had Grey as our witnessed."

Wesley: "This is amazing."

Tim: "Well there is more."

Jackson: "What now?"

Lucy (cheery): "I'm pregnant."

Everyone: "What." Angela and Nyla come up to Lucy and hugged her.

Nyla: "Ayyy, congrats. How far along are you?"

Lucy: "I'm three months." She lifted her hoodie to reveal her little baby bump.

Tim: "We are going to have a wedding for everyone. Wesley would you like to be my best man?"

Wesley: "Of course I will."

Lucy: "Ang, Nyla wo-" She got interrupted.

Angela & Nyla: "Yes we will."

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