Chapter 3

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Everyone gets there and Caleb is already dead. John runs out with the live feed of Lucy in the barrel and hangs it to Angela.

Angela: "Can't even tell if she's still breathing." Everyone is panicking, not knowing her location. Tim and Jackson walked away from the house as Tim knew she wold be near the house, they end up splitting up.

Everyone is desperately searching for her, not finding anything. Tim doesn't stop looking, he notices something shiny on the ground. He ran up and found it was Lucy's ring. He shuffled the dirt around with his boots, he hears the bang. He found her! He started digging while shouting out.

Tim: "I've got her! I've got her!! Right there." Everyone high tailed it over to Tim, they all started digging, they get to the lid and pulled it off. Revealing an unconscious Lucy, Tim and a few officers pulled her out and moved her away from the barrel.

Grey: "Is she breathing?"

Tim checked her pulse and to see if she is breathing.

Tim: "No. All right." Tim immediately performs CPR, praying that she would wake up. He was upset as time went by, everyone looked amongst themselves not knowing the outcome of this.

Lucy wakes up coughing, she opens her eyes seeing everyone standing around her. She was overwhelmed and starting crying, she was reaching for the person that was close to her. She didn't know it was Tim, he quickly pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Tim was still holding Lucy, he was grateful to have her back.

Tim (whispers quiet enough that only Lucy heard): "Hey, you're okay. We got you, I got you."

Lucy (while crying): "T-Tim?"

Tim: "Yeah, it's me. It's Tim." They took the helicopter to the hospital. Tim with the help from Angela went to set Lucy down in the seat, but she panicked and held onto Tim tighter. Angela and Tim exchange a look.

Tim: "Luce, you don't want to sit in the chair?" She shook her head.

Tim: "Okay, go to sleep and get some rest. I'm here to protect you." During the flight to the hospital, Lucy fell asleep in Tim's arms. Everyone were discussing about the day and Tim was listening but his attention remained on Lucy.

At the hospital, Lucy was checked over. She was given an IV to help rehydrate her and was set up in a room. She woke up and smile as she saw Tim sitting near her bed. Tim smiled back at her.

Lucy: "Have you been here all night?" Tim smirks.

Tim: "No!"

Lucy: "You lying to me now?" Tim apologised to her for lying and took a deep breathe.

Tim: "Luce, I'm sorry for pushing you at him. I shouldn't have done that, I feel terrible." Tim's eyes start to water and he looks away.

Lucy: "Hey, look at me. I don't blame you. I'm so glad that I get to see you again, I was so worried that I would never be able to talk to you again." He softly smiles. Everyone comes in and checks on her. They were there for 15 minutes before leaving again.

Lucy closed her eyes, Tim went to the bathroom and Lucy woke up. She started panicking about being alone, Tim walks about and sees she is having a panic attack. Tim rushes over to her.

Tim: "Luce, I need you to breathe. Breathe with me. In and out, in and out." She follow his breathing and slightly calmed down. Without thinking, Tim wrapped his arms around her and held her close. 

Lucy finally calmed down. Tim stayed with her the whole time.

The next afternoon, she was released. Tim took her back to her apartment, he got her settled and was ready to leave. Before he could leave...

Lucy: "Tim, please stay." Tim looked at her.

Tim: "You have Jackson that is going to stay with you, okay?" Tim could see the panic arise in her.

Tim: "Who do you want to stay with?" She pointed at him and he was a little shocked. 

Lucy: "Could we stay at your place?"

Tim: "Of course, I'll help you pack." They were packing, when Tim's hand accidentally brushed over her tattoo, he immediately stopped packing.

Tim: "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you there." Lucy moved closer to him, grabbing his hand and placed it on the tattoo. He studied her, making sure she was okay.

Lucy: "It's okay, I want to show you ."

Tim: "Whenever you're ready, you can show me." Lucy let out a deep breath, lifting her shirt up to expose the tattoo. Tim slowly moved his hand to it, gently rubbing it.

Tim: "It's not your day of death, Luce. It's the first day of the rest of your life." Tim pulled her in for a hug and then return to packing. 

Tim sat down on the couch and Lucy walked over to him, sitting next to him.

Lucy: "Tim, I have something I would like to share?" He nods, turning to face her and giving her his full attention.

Lucy: "It may not be the right time, but I have feelings for you. You make me feel safe, and you're the only one I want to be by."

Tim: "I like you too, and I was scared that I was never going to be able to tell you."

Lucy: "I'm glad you told me, though."

Tim: "Luce, do you want to start dating?"

Lucy: "Yeah." They are both smiling at each other.

Tim: "Okay, we'll take thing slow. Go at a speed that is comfortable for you and we won't tell anyone yet."

Lucy: "Could we tell Grey? Just to give him the heads up." Tim agrees with her.

Tim: "What are you comfortable with?"

Lucy: "You can call me pet names, cuddles, sleeping in the same bed. Definitely not sex for a while." 

Tim: "That's fine Luce, we don't have to jump into bed and have sex straight away. I'll wait for you, okay?" She nods at him.

Tim: "What about kissing?" She expressed her thinking face, before she placed her hands on his cheeks and pulled his face to her. She lightly kisses him and he returns it back.

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