Chapter 6

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After a few minutes, Lucy was relaxed again.

Tim: "Hey, let's go back to the station." Lucy nods. Tim drives them back to the station and walked into.

Grey waved them over to his office.

Grey: "Hey guys, I heard what happened, you okay Lucy?"

Lucy: "Just a little shaken up, but I'm okay."

Grey: "Ok, well I have something that I think might be good for you two." Grey showed them the way and then opened a door to a room. Tim and Lucy walked in.

Tim: "What is this place?"

Grey: "I'm not trying to overstep, but I created this for Lucy to come to if she gets overwhelmed or scared. The entrance of this room is in my office, so you guys just need to come into my office. Then I will also know where you are and can ensure your shop is taken out of service." Lucy goes to Grey and gives him a hug.

Lucy: "Thanks sir. This is amazing."

Tim: "Thank you so much, sir. We really appreciate everything you do for us."

Grey: "It's completely fine, you guys are family to me."

Tim: "Is it okay if we use the room now. I was talking to Lucy with our ear pieces to keep her calm but it was a lot for her, she was extremely panicked about being loose."

Grey: "Of course, take you time. I'll pull your shop out of service." Grey closes the door and leaves them in the room. He radios their shop out of service and continues working, everyone was working hard. Patrol got a few calls but was mainly a quiet day.

Tim sat on a beam ball, then pulls Lucy to her lap. He strokes her hair, while hugging her.

Lucy: "I was scared because I got lost, and I was stressed that something was going to happen to you." She tears up.

Tim: "It's okay, I'm okay." She just looks at Tim.

Tim: "To make you feel better, you can do a check over of me. Making sure that there is no injuries." Lucy nods. With the help from Tim, she takes his shirt off. Scanning over his body for any possible injuries. After she was finished, she was satisfied that he wasn't hurt. They put his shirt back on and she laid down.

Tim: "Am I cleared baby?"

Lucy: "Yup." She smiles up at him. They stayed like this for a while.

A week later, Lucy and Tim have been utilising their room behind Grey's office. Whenever Lucy isn't 100% they go there. Angela and Nyla have been working hard to train their rookies, they have become tougher since what happened to Lucy. Tim has eased up on his training techniques and mainly trying to get her comfortable with everything. He promised that he wouldn't yell or scream at her but he would scream and yell at suspects.

To build up her confidence again, Tim allows her to take point on every case they respond to but he is always close behind her. She has had a few nightmares that wake her up, this always ended up with Tim holding her close. Tim has taken her out to new and different places, helping her get back out there. 

Lucy has attached herself to Tim, he is her safe place. No one is able to calm or comfort her, because he was the one who saved her and he was the that stayed in the hospital with her as well as was the one that opened the door for her.

They were on shift and responded to a difficult call, which did knock Lucy's mindset around. Tim drove back to the station and beelined it into Grey's office.

Grey: "Oh no, what happened?"

Tim: "We responded to a kidnapping case that didn't end well, it brought some serious emotions up for Lucy and even for myself." Lucy was zoned out.

Grey: "She definitely not okay, I swear I told dispatch not to connect your shop with any of these cases just yet. Ok, go take her in there. I'll go order a veggie burger for her and you a burger."

Tim: "Thank you so much sir." They walk into the room and got comfortable. Lucy was shaking so much in fear.

Tim: "Baby, you okay?"

Lucy: "It just reminded me that I could've been that girl, that I might not have been here today. What if you never go-"

Tim: "Baby, I know. I think about it too but we can play 'what if' scenarios. The main thing is that we are together and you're safe."

Lucy: "Ok." A few moments of silence falls when...

Lucy: "Babe, there's something I want to talk with you about."

Tim: "Baby, I'm listening."

Lucy: "Why don't you come to me and tell me that you need help?"

Tim: "What do you mean?"

Lucy: "I heard you the other night. Why did you feel like you had to hide the fact that you were horny?"

Tim: "I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to make you feel pressured into anything."

Lucy: "It's okay, but how often do you get horny."

Tim: "I never use to get this horny, but since I have you in my life my body loves you so much that it drives me crazy."

Lucy: "Do you love me?" Tim inhaled at the question.

Tim: "Yes, I love you."

Lucy: "I love you too. It makes me happy knowing what kind of affect I have on you." Tim giggles.

Lucy: "I was also going to offer you a hand with that. Maybe I could help you tonight." She smirks at him.

Tim: "Only if you're comfortable with it." Lucy kisses him. They return to get their lunch and eat it while completing paperwork. At the end of shift, they head home. Lucy runs to the bathroom while Tim lays on the bed. He is already hard, he has been hard since they left the station. Lucy changes into one of Tim's shirt and panties. She was a little excited and walked out to Tim. Tim looked up and smiled seeing her in one of his shirts, quickly sitting up. 

She crawls onto his lap and starts kissing him, she takes his shirt off of him.

Lucy: "Babe, I'm taking care of you tonight."

Tim: "Mmm, okay." They start kissing again.

Tim: "Baby, can I take your shirt off?" Lucy knew how much Tim loved looking at her breasts, she just nodded and he took her shirt off. This eyes widen, seeing her breasts but also seeing she is only wearing panties. Lucy could feel Tim growing underneath her, so she playfully pushes him onto his back.

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