Chapter 15

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Once they leave ...

John: "So they got married and are now expecting a kid."

Angela: "Why are you acting like this?"

John: "Because we're all friends with them and they never told us."

Nyla: "They had their own reasons on why they didn't tell us."

Grey: "They did. It took Tim months to get her fully comfortable with everything. In the beginning they didn't go far as she was scared, she couldn't handle being away from Tim. That time you all split up, Lucy panicked and couldn't calm. Tim and I calmed her fully down at the station, but that day she was still a bit scared and was worried about Tim, so he allowed her to check to make sure he was okay. She's happy with Tim and getting better but still has some bad times."

Jackson: "Omg, I didn't know she was struggling like this."

Grey: "It's because she didn't want people to know, Tim and I promised not to tell anyone."

John: "What was the whole deal with the ear pieces?"

Grey: "We knew that there was a chance they wouldn't be close together, using the ear pieces allowed for her to communicate with Tim and they could know how the other was going. It works but when she forgets about them, that's when the panic sets in."

Nyla: "So the whole wedding thing?"

Grey: "It was Lucy's idea. She wanted to marry him, she wasn't comfortable with her last name and it brought fear when she heard it. They married at the court house and she took his last name. Every time I had to say her maiden name, I saw the pain in her eyes but made saw when no one heard it I made saw to address her as Bradford. The higher ups knew to address her as Bradford and allowed as to use her maiden name until she was ready." There was a moment of silence.

Grey: "Now, I'm not going to say anything more."

Tim and Lucy arrived home, and headed to the bedroom.

Tim: "How are you princess?"

Lucy: "A little shaken up."

Tim: "I know. Let's go to bed." They got dressed into pjs.

Lucy: "Babe, could I go to bed in a bra and shorts?"

Tim: "Whatever mades you comfortable." They crawled into bed and cuddled together, Tim placed a hand on her baby bump.

A few months later, Lucy was 6 months pregnant and her bump was fully showing. Tim was taking amazing care of Lucy and providing her what she asked for, rarely leaving her side. Everyone was there to help the couple, Angela and Nyla asked Lucy to help them with cases that they knew she could handle. Whenever Lucy was panicked, they all called either Grey or Tim to come and help her. 

Lucy doesn't fully trust men yet but she is getting there. John decides to confront Lucy.

John: "Hey Lucy, are you trying to avoid me?"

Lucy: "What? No I'm not. You know I'm have some trust issues."

John (raised voice): "We're best friends, why can't you trust me?" Lucy doesn't like the shouting so she high tails it to the bathroom. John is annoyed and just walks off. Lucy locks the stall cubical door, sitting down and panicking. She tries calming herself down but it doesn't work.

After about half an hour, Tim walks around the bull pen.

Tim: "Ang, Nyla have you seen Lucy?"

Nyla: "No, I'll call her." She calls, but Lucy's phone is left on her desk.

Angela: "Hey! Listen up, has anyone seen Lucy?" No one has seen her.

Officer: "Ma'am, sir ... I saw her walk away from another officer in the direction of the locker rooms."

Nyla: "Thank you." They head over but Tim stops.

Angela: "Tim?"

Tim: "I can't go in there without knowing if there is no one else there." The girls walk in and tell Tim he can come in. They head to the closed stall and knocks softly.

Tim: "Luce, baby it's me. Can I come in?" The door unlocks, Tim gently pushes it open and then shuts it again.

Tim: "Baby, you okay?" She shakes her head. Tim sits down and pulls her on his lap, placing a hand on her bump.

Tim: "What happened?"

Lucy: "J-John confronted me about avoiding him, I told him about my trust issues then he shouted and I didn't like it so I left. I walked in here trying to calm myself down." Tim holds her and places a kiss on her head.

Tim: "I'm so sorry baby, do you want to go to the room?" Lucy nods.

Tim: "Before we leave here, Angela and Nyla are outside the stall." Tim knows how Lucy likes to know who is in the room when she can't see them. They walk out and see the girls, Lucy looks up at Tim.

Tim: "It's okay, you can ask."

Lucy (looking at the girls): "Could I-?" They approach and gives her a hug.

Nyla: "Where are you guys going? We'll be your personal escort."

Tim: "There's a room attached to Grey's office that he made for Lucy, so we are going there." They head to Grey's office.

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