Chapter 16

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Grey: "What happened?"

Tim: "Nolan has a bit of a go at Lucy, he shouted and she panicked and ran to the locker room."

Grey: "Ok, head into the room." 

Angela: "We'll go talk to Nolan." They all went their seperate ways. Tim and Lucy were cuddling together when all of a sudden Tim felt something.

Tim: "Baby, was that what I thought it was?" Lucy grabs his hand and moves it to another part of her bump, he felt it again.

Lucy: "Yeah, that's our baby. There been a bit restless at the moment. We have our appointment this afternoon." Tim was excited, they chilled out there before it was time for their appointment. John was told off for shouting at Lucy even thought he knew that she has her trust issues she is working with.

At the appointment, they were getting an ultrasound done.

Doctor: "Everything looks perfect, your baby is healthy and well. Do you want to know the gender?"

Lucy & Tim: "Yes please."

Doctor: "Your having a baby girl." Tim kisses her forehead. They leave.

Tim: "We're gonna have a daughter."

Lucy: "I know, I'm excited."

Lucy has now reached time where she can take maternity leave but because Tim cannot be with her she is station bound. Lucy was in the bathroom when her water broke, there wasn't anyone she trusted in the station to help her. The pain kept getting worse and felt the need to push. After about 30 minutes, Lucy gave birth to her baby girl. She was so happy to see her baby, but wanted to make sure she was okay. Lucy called Bailey up.

Bailey: "Hey Lucy, what's up?"

Lucy: "Could you come to the station please? I went into labour 30 minutes ago and have given birth to my baby."

Bailey: "Of course, I'll be there soon." Bailey rushed over and asked where the bathroom was, she entered and called out. Lucy opened the door.

Bailey: "Are you okay?"

Lucy: "Yeah." Bailey checks over both the baby and Lucy.

Bailey: "You are both good, let's get you to the hospital."

Lucy: "I want to surprise the others first and then head to the hospital." Bailey helped Lucy to her desk and sat with her. Lucy calls Tim.

Tim: "Hey baby, you okay?"

Lucy: "I'm good, when are you guys coming back?"

Tim: "We'll be there soon, love you."

Lucy: "Ok, love you too." They hang up.

Tim, Angela, Nyla and Grey all came back into the station and headed over to Lucy's desk.

Angela: "Hey guys, Bailey what are you doing here?"

Tim: "Baby, you okay?" 

Lucy: "Yeah, I'm better than okay."

Tim: "Could you turn around please?" Lucy slowly turned around to reveal her holding a baby.

Tim: "Baby, is that-?"

Angela: "No way."

Lucy: "Tim, meet your daughter." He came close and Lucy passes her over to him.

Grey: "When did you have her?"

Lucy: "About 45 minutes ago in the bathroom."

Nyla: "Were you with anyone?"

Lucy: "No, but I called Bailey after I gave birth. She came and checked over both of us."

Tim: "Baby, you're so strong and such a bad ass. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you."

Lucy: "It's okay." Tim kisses her on her forehead.

Angela: "What's her name?" Tim and Lucy looked at each other.

Lucy: "Skylar Ivy Bradford."

Nyla: "That's so cute."

Grey: "Now let's get you two to the hospital for a check over, then you and Tim are going on leave for six weeks." They agreed.

Tim was holding their baby girl, while him and Grey guided Lucy to the car and helped her get in. They went to the hospital, the doctor said that everything was okay with the mum and baby, they were discarded and went home.

At home, Lucy held onto Tim to help keep her steady on her feet. Tim was holding Skylar. They walked inside.

Tim: "Welcome home Skylar. Baby, I'm so proud of you and I'll do anything to make it up to you."

Lucy: "How about taking a bath with me?"

Tim: "Okay, I'll set Skylar in her crib."

Lucy: "Nah, let's have a family bath. Then I don't need you to make anything up to me, you being here with me is the only thing I need." 

Tim: "Okay, let's go." They head to the bathroom, Lucy sat down holding Skylar while Tim ran the bath. Once done, they all hoped into the bath. Tim cuddled up to Lucy and they both were in love with Skylar. Skylar opened her eyes, looking at her parents.

Lucy: "She has your eyes."

Tim: "But she has all your features, she amazing." They got out of the bath and changed, they all went to bed.

Over the next six weeks,

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