New Beginnings

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"Did you need something, love?" He asked and turned to grab a stack of papers. I didn't know what to say, I don't know why I was here, I am literally dying in embarrassment right now. I wanted his attention, I believe that is why I am here. Maybe I should leave and forget that I was even in here in the first place.

"Umm...n-no, sir, I-I...well, what will happen with my parents?" I asked him and he hummed. He scratched his stubble and stared at me, his glare was intense and my face heated the longer he stared. No man has ever had that affect on me the way he does

"Your father is dying, I haven't decided on your mother." He said and I stared at the ground to think.

How did I feel about him dying?

He's my father, I am supposed to love him and cherish him...right?
She's my mother, I'm supposed to love and adore her...right?

I have mixed emotions about everything, there is a voice that's begging for me to save them. But then there is a voice that's cheering for their demise, begging for capo to rip them apart and feed them to Benny.

Benny?! Sugar!

"Benny, Sugar, where are they? Did you leave our pets home alone?" I asked him and his eyes widened at my sudden panic for my parents pets. I didn't react when he told me he's killing my father yet I panic at the thought of a dog and cat being left home alone.

Benny is probably so alone right now.

"I'm sure they are al-

"Okay, I need to go get them and take them with me to Viola's house. Goodbye, Capo." I tried to leave, but as soon as my hand touched the doorknob my hand was grabbed. I gasped and he turned me and pushed me up against the door, I gulped and stared up at Capo's huge figure. He hovered over my figure.

"You think Viola is going to let you keep a dog and cat in her penthouse?" He asked and gave an amused look.

"Y-yes." I mumbled and he hummed.

"You were planning to leave and all I got was a quick goodbye?" He asked and I was confused. What more could be possible say to him, I thanked him and told him goodbye. Was he hoping for a kiss perhaps?

"W-well, I thanked you and-

"I'm joking, I just wanted to mess with you. Have a good life." He leaned and kissed my cheek. I gasped and my cheeks and ears heated, I knew I turned red and I couldn't help but smile. His lips twitched so I knew he wanted to laugh at my excitement from his cheek kiss.

"Y-you too." I gave him one last look over before turning and leaving. I patted my cheeks and kept a smile on my face, I went downstairs to find Viola.

"Thank god you're ready, let's go." She had my bag.

New beginnings.



"Okay...right there...okay, yeah." I threw my head back as I was currently using a very important gift that was very thoughtful. I never thought I would use it but look at me now, using it. I was supposed to be doing my work files and turning in extra work to the boss, but I dozed off and had a dream that was too good. I had to relive myself and I'm not regretting it.

I've been working at an office firm, Ferrari's Co. to be exact. I've been here for two months now, I finally started getting life on track. I started a go fund me to tell only a little of my story and an anonymous person gave me ten thousand dollar. I thanked the person but I only got a winky face and the bunny emoji. I assumed they knew I was a stripper before, I'm not sure.

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