Late Night Racing

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"So...what are you men doing here?" Liana pushed down her nerves and smirked. She came to me and gave me a look, I shrugged and grabbed chocolate from one of the baskets. I know capo said they are here for business, I'm not complaining. I didn't think I would ever get to see him again, yet I am.

"Business, we'll put our things up and be out of your hair." Marcelo said before capo could answer her. She didn't look at Marcelo she just blushed and stared at my chocolate before taking it. I hit her and we hit each other back and forth before it was snatched.
"If you are going to be children, then you'll be treated like them." Marcelo said and took away the candy.

Liana and I both huffed.

"That's mines, you can't take away my candy!" I have an angry look.

"Yeah, give it big, scary dude!" Liana snatched it back and I laughed. I then snatched it from her causing her to whine to me, Marcelo seemed to have tried to stop himself from laughing. He couldn't help but let a small one slip, the guys looks at him like he was crazy

"Share!" Capo demanded.

"I'm not sharing what's already min- stop it!" I kicked and jumped on Liana. She spun me as I was on her back and we hit each other. I was pulled off and held as Marcelo snatched the candy from me again.

"No more candy, you're acting like children." Capo had me in his arms. As amazing as that was I wanted my chocolate, it was delicious and it was the only one there. It was a birthday gift from me, I should have it.

"But it's mines." Capo put me down and I turned to him with a pout. He ran a hand over his face and looked at me in a look of weakness. This look always get me my way, Viola and Liana says it all the time. " is her candy." He finally let out and everyone looked at him as if he was crazy for falling for that.

"You really are about to reward her with candy after fighting?" His brother who I'm assuming is Matteo asked. Due to the note I knew Marcelo was the tougher one and Matteo was the other.

"They only fought because Liana challenged her for candy that's already hers. She should get it." Capo said and reached to take the candy. Liana was pulling her baby face on Marcelo as she told him why she deserved the candy more. She said I should share and stop being stingy.

"Umm...she makes a good point-

"Are you both kidding me right now?!" Carlo whispered yelled at capo and Marcelo.
"You know what." Carlo opened the trash and I screamed with Liana as he took it from the wrapper and held it over the trash.
"Share it or it's trashed." He said.

"Fine!" Liana and I said in agreement.

"Perfect." He split it and gave us both a piece. She then came to me and I held mines up as we measured to see who had more. Liana smirked because she had more and we started arguing and fighting over that. The guys ended up laughing and I was about to cry over my fucking chocolate that they forced me to share.

"Stop being a baby, you ate some already, so it's basically fair!" Liana said as I folded my arms and made my eyes water.

"B-but it's my birthday." I mumbled.

"It's my birthday." She copied my words and I groaned in frustration. She hid behind Marcelo and ate the chocolate, I tossed the chocolate on the counter and stormed out of the kitchen.

Yes, I am mad about my fucking chocolate! It was mines. On top of that, it's my fucking birthday, if I didn't want to share I didn't have to.

"It's chocolate, I can buy you plenty more-

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