☆𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐☆

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You got to this floor where you needed to collect 12 pages. You decided to stay behind and in the elevator because you didn't want to go. As everyone left, you saw a black figure enter the elevator. The stranger looked quite paranoid in the way they were standing. You looked at them with a concerned expression. That's when they looked at you. "Are you okay..? You seem to be on edge." You said, that was the first thing you said to her. "ARE YOU WITH THE GOVERNMENT?" She asked looking skeptical. "Um... no.." You said your concern growing. Your first meeting was an odd one. But Bive seemed to trust you after a bit of talking.

You kept falling into the water while on the floor 'Split's Ville', though gave up since you were about to be teleported back into the elevator anyway. You then see a banana slug enter the elevator when you teleported back in. "I'm PEELING good!" She said with a chuckle. That made you chuckle a bit as well, finding her pun funny. She heard you and turned towards you, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. That was when she stared to tell you all kinds of banana related puns and jokes which you laughed at. Your first meeting was a good one! Sweet as well.


You were just causally chilling in the elevator when you got to a subway floor. In walked a noob with a party hat. "I luv parties!" They said happily. You looked at them with a smile. "Oh that's cool!" You say, the noob then turns toward you excitedly. "Do you also luv parties? What's your name? What's your favorite color? Do you also find partying a hobby????" They asked, spewing multiple questions at you. You were bit surprised, and scratched the top of your hand. "Um... I'm not a big fan of parties it's too loud for me... along with too many people. But, my favorite is f/c and my name is Y/N!" You say. Poob smiled at you in understanding. First meeting wasn't so bad!

You were in the elevator, simply minding your own business. Though, you felt a presence behind you. You turned around and saw a guest beetle in the middle of reaching for your pocket. Most likely trying to steal some of your coins. "What are you doing?" You ask raising a brow. "大きなお世話(none of your business)." He says trying to quickly reach into your pocket again but you grabbed his wrist and turned around. He snatched his wrist back. "触らないでください(don't touch me)." He looked at you with angered expression. "Hey, you were trying to pick pocket me. I grabbed your wrist to stop you." You crossed your arms. He looked a little surprised that you could understand Japanese, but then huffed and rolled his eyes. You guys didn't exactly have a great first meeting...


You were currently running through some strange apartment, trying to get away from whatever that pink virus was. While running you accidentally bumped into, and fell on top of someone. Pushing yourself up, you look down at guy with brown hair, and purple beanie. He looked surprised, "W04h th3r3 dud3!" He said sitting up. "Sorry! Didn't mean to bump into you! Here let me help you up." You said, getting off of him and offering your hand. He smiled and took it. "Thx br0!" He said as you both walked into the elevator. Your first meeting was nice, you both seemed to be happy that you bumped into each other after talking for a bit.
Pilby entered the elevator, looking sad. You looked over to them and tilted your head looking concerned. "Hey are you okay? You seem a little sad!" You say walking up to them. Pilby looked at you, "I miss my momma..." Pilby mumbled. Your expression then saddened as you clasped your hands together. "I'm sorry... would you like a hug to maybe help you feel better?" You asked. Pilby pondered for a second, wondering if they should take up the kind strangers offer. They then nodded you opened your arms. You then hugged them, and they wrapped their for arms around you. Your first meeting was you trying to cheer them up, and you seemed to succeed!

You got to a floor and text appeared in front of you. "Find Lampert." Was all the text said. "Who's Lampert?" You asked yourself while walking out onto the floor. It seemed to be an Ikea. You got flashbacks from 3008. But, you then began to search for this 'Lampert' person. You looked at different lamps wondering if one of them was Lampert. When suddenly, a humanoid looking lamp stood in the corner of your eye. You looked over and your eyes widened. "LAMPERT!" You yell running over. Lampert looks over at you and then suddenly runs at super sonic speed forward. "LAMPERT COME BACK!" You yell as you run. Though, your suddenly transported back into the elevator and run into the wall. You yelp and fall back, only to hear the laugh of someone. You rub your head and look to where the voice was coming from. "Lampert?" You say looking at the humanoid lamp. "Y-Yeah, that's me." He said while trying to calm himself down. First meeting... interesting. But you got Lampert to laugh! In which is pretty rare.
🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
"Hey Jim." Said the mannequin that suddenly bursted through the ceiling. You were quite shocked at the site, leaving you to zone and wonder what the hell just happened. You didn't even notice the mannequin trying to get your attention. "Helloooo? Yer' deaf or somethin'?" You suddenly snapped out of it and looked towards hun. He seemed to have a country accent of the sorts. "Sorry... uh... you just bursted through the ceiling and I'm still trying to process that..." You said awkwardly rubbing your arm. "Oh! Don't worry, I do that a lot!" He said, "I'm Mannequin Mark, but feel free to just call me Mark."
"Nice to meet you Mark! I'm Y/N." You said with a smile. Decent first meeting! Though still trying to process him falling through the ceiling.
You were currently in the elevator with a some concrete dude. He hadn't talked much ever since he got on, only glancing at you ever so often. You sighed though you suddenly you remembered you had that strange soda in your backpack. You think it was called.. 'Grey Stuff? Whatever, you took it out of you bag and looked at it. You suddenly hear a shift from the concrete man next to you. "Is that Grey Stuff?" He asked looked at the soda can with interest. "Yeah, you want it?" You asked turning to him. "Oh that would be delightful. But are you sure you want to give it to me? It is yours after all." He said with a small smile. You nodded your head and handed it to him. "Don't worry, I probably wasn't going to drink it anyway. I'm Y/N, by the way." You replied. "Wallter." Wallter then opened the soda. A pleasant first meeting!
Trying to stay on the cube was difficult. It kept turning each and every way. Though, you saw some person jumping on the poles with the colored circles on top of them. They looked like the cat you saw on the walls. Though, the floor eventually ended so you were teleported back into the elevator. Just as the elevator was about to close, the cat you saw from earlier quickly jumped into the elevator. They wore mischievous smile on their face as they looked at you. "Huh, what do we have here?" They asked cocking their head to the side and looking at you. "Were you that cat on the walls?" You asked and they nodded. First meeting was okay, though you did have a little argument about the cube.
After escaping the flood you were teleported back into the elevator. You had a lot of fun even if you were really scared while jumping from platform just to escape all those balls. You sigh and sit down in the elevator feeling a little tired due to earlier. "Hey, sorry about summoning the flood.." You hear a sudden voice say. You look up to see, none other than Gregoriah. He looked down at you smiling nervously afraid you would be mad at him. You were a bit surprised he entered the elevator but smiled and got up. "Oh it's okay! It was an accident, I forgive you." You said with a smile. Gregoriah seemed to be relieved and smiled back at you. Rough at first but got much better in the end!

You lost so much health from the Two Stud Camp floor. You were huffing as you were teleported back into the elevator. Your health went from 36, to 50. You sighed leaning back against the elevator wall. "Spud! Spud!" You head a voice say. You turned your head to see a weird looking creature with a bucket on their head and no legs. Though, you didn't show much of a reaction since you were used to seeing unusual things and people here. You tilted your head and looked at them curiously. "Is your name Spud?" You asked, and to which Spud nodded. "Nice to meet you Spud, I'm Y/N." You say with a smile. You felt like they were smiling back at you, even if he didn't have a mouth. A nice first meeting!


Request on the characters page btw

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