☆𝙸𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚍/𝚐𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜☆

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By the way, we're gonna say you have two forms, your true from looks like you but more god-like if you know what I'm saying I wanna leave that form up to you to decide. And your second form is basically like normal you.

✦- It started when she noticed you not being fazed by dangerous things
✦- This made her come up with loads of theories
✦- It was when she confronted you about it she found out
✦- You decided to tell her that you were a god(dess) and show her your true form
✦- She didn't know how to react at first
✦- She suspected you of hiding something, but not this
✦- Overall she was pretty shocked
✦- She asked how come you were hiding this from her for so long
✦- You can come up with your answer

✦- She started to notice when you talked about doing impossible things in the past
✦- It was when she questioned you about it you revealed yourself as a goddess
✦- She was shocked as well though it didn't come off too surprising
✦- There were many signs
✦- Once you showed her your true form she said you looked beautiful and she's grateful you're her partner

✦- They caught you when you were in your true form
✦- They were more amazed than shocked
✦- Their partner? A god(dess)? This was awesome!
✦- They asked you loads of questions about where you came from and what was it like
✦- They sometimes ask you to turn into your true form on occasion because they like be it (Wether it's pretty or scary)

✦- He started to pick up on the many signs that your weren't what you said you were
✦- Not being intimidated by things that could kill you, talking about things you did that were practically impossible
✦- It was when he confronted you about how you couldn't possibly do those things
✦- At first, he thought it was joke when you said your were a god(dess), until you showed him your true form
✦- He was surprised but not too surprised as it was kinda obvious but he didn't want to believe it

✦- He started to notice when you didn't seem to care about his virus
✦- You were affectionate without being carful you might catch it
✦- And you didn't even seem to catch when you did those things
✦- "H0w c0m3 y0u h4v3n't c4ught my s1ckn3ss y3t?"
✦- "Probably because I'm a god(dess)."
✦- "Y0u'r3 4 wh4t-"
✦- That led you to explain show and him your true form
✦- He was shocked, but also comforted by the fact you couldn't catch his virus, along with feeling safe with you knowing you could protect him

✦- You always seemed to have a calming aura
✦- Though, they started to notice when you never seemed scared
✦- Along with when you told them your background
✦- They were confused, they thought you were like Mach at first but then they realized that couldn't be the case
✦- It was when they asked you about it
✦- You said you were a god(dess) but didn't show them your true form in fear they would be scared of you
✦- Though, they now feel rather safe with you because they know you could protect them from anything (Even MR)

✦- He started to catch on when you did things nobody else could do
✦- He asked you questions but you always seemed to brush it off
✦- It was when he sat you down and said he knew you were hiding something
✦- So you finally decided to reveal that you were a god(dess)
✦- He was shocked, he suspected you of being a higher being but not as high as a god
✦- Though, this still doesn't mean he won't ask if you're clean before you show him affection

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- You never seemed phased by big things
✦- Like for example, somebody did something that was thought to be impossible
✦- You just shrugged it off like it was an everyday thing
✦- He started to put together all the unusual reactions and things you did
✦- It was when he talked to you about it you revealed you were a god(dess)
✦- He was shocked but pretty chill with it
✦- "Does that mean yer' can' spawn wood outta thin' air?"
✦- "Mark seriously.."

✦- He started to notice when you were able to literally pick him up and carry things that were impossible to move
✦- Basically you were insanely strong
✦- He asked you, "How come you're so strong?"
✦- You finally decided to admit you were a god(dess)
✦- He was shocked, he never expected you to be something so divine
✦- Though, it fit quite well because your beauty was out of this world
✦- He was willing to see your true form wether it be horrifying or not
✦- He's still a gentleman and very polite even more so

✦- Asked you straight off the bat once you did something he thought was not possible.
✦- "Are you like a god(dess) or something?"
✦- "I am actually!"
✦- He was shocked (like everyone else)
✦- But now felt rather confident at the fact he could flex his partner is god(dess)
✦- Though he was a little scared when you showed him your true form
✦- Does NOT change the fact he won't tease you about everything, he's a little nicer about it though

✦- He noticed once you always seem to come out of nowhere
✦- You scare him on some occasions when you just randomly appear behind when he's working
✦- It's when he asked you about how you can do that so suddenly
✦- You then revealed that you're a god(dess)
✦- He just stared at you with a shocked expression, trying to fully comprehend that his partner is a divine being
✦- Explains a lot thought to him, how your beauty is otherworldly
✦- Does change a bit, he feels much safer now knowing you could protect him from really anything

✦- He never really caught on because he's a bit of an oblivious fellow
✦- So, it was when they caught you in your true form
✦- They had to take a second to process everything
✦- They were scared at first, knowing you were capable of doing the same thing Gnarpy did to them
✦- It was when you reassured him and helped him with everything that was hard for him
✦- They felt so much safer now, and the fact you can protect them from Gnarpy makes them quite grateful you're their partner
✦- From the first time you guys met she always felt something was off about you
✦- There was not one hint of fear in your eyes once you knew she was the holder of the ban hammer
✦- And you very rarely ever had fear
✦- It made her think maybe you were like her in a sense
✦- But that couldn't be it.... You were something much different, something she never dealt with before
✦- She then knew she needed to talk about this with you
✦- She sat you down in her office and told you she knew you were not who you said you were
✦- You sighed and finally decided to admit you were a divine being
✦- She actually wasn't too surprised, but still surprised
✦- Knowing that you held more power than her and MR was quite shocking
✦- Especially when you showed her what you really looked like
✦- Though, your relationship has changed, her love for you has not

✦- They caught onto the fact quite fast
✦- When scanning you, their system had some type of error
✦- "Huh.. I cannot detect what type of being you are!"
✦- You brushed it off at first and avoided all questions about it
✦- It was until Prototype said they loved you, you finally revealed yourself
✦- They were surprised but knew you had to be something of a higher species due to not being able to identity you
✦- They were amazed once you showed them your true form
✦- This triggered loads of questions which you happily answered

1325 words

I felt it was necessary to make Mach's long because of how powerful she is and the fact she's probably used to being the one with the most power

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