☆𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞☆

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So here's a little simple scenario that'll be east for me to do

Also please don't take this in "that kind" of way, as it's not to be taken as such.

✦- Cheek, forehead, lips, neck
✦- She doesn't exactly have lips so she just presses her teeth against where she'll kiss you
✦- She really only kiss in private but sometimes it may be just a quick peck on the cheek
✦- She gets flustered if you kiss her without warning
✦- I imagine she's a bit slow when it comes to be in love and in a relationship due to not ever being in one before

✦- Nose, cheek, lips, face
✦- Kissing your face may be one of her favorite activities
✦- She just loves to hold your face in her hands and kiss you
✦- She may kiss you in public at times but only if you consent to it first
✦- If you kiss her without warning she'll probably ask for another one

✦- Cheek, nose
✦- They love giving you cheek kisses
✦- They'll hug you tight and then just press their lips onto your cheek
✦- Usually when they kiss your nose, they cup your face and put their lips against your nose and do an over exaggerated "mwahhhh!"
✦- Mostly just cheek kisses in public, if you're okay with it
✦- They don't kiss your lips too often, only when they're trying to comfort you or are really happy

✦- lips, forehead
✦- He's not much of a kisser, so it's not too common when he kisses you
✦- When he does, it isn't quick but it isn't too long about 15 seconds
✦- He kisses your forehead when trying to comfort you, even if he isn't the best at it
✦- He notices you get happy when he kisses you, he's not sure as to why but thinks it's useful for when you're down

✦- Cheek, side of lips
✦- They're very quick, due to him worrying if they are any longer you'll get 'infected'
✦- Though, if you already have his virus he kisses you for about 30 seconds
✦- He likes kissing you in the side of your lips for whatever reason
✦- He kisses your cheek whenever it seems like a good time to
✦- He rarely kisses you in public, but doesn't mind if you do

✦- Nose, above your chin
✦- They kiss you when they're sadder than usual
✦- Kissing you gives them a sense of comfort and security
✦- Though you're usually the one who's kissing them
✦- You guys don't really kiss in public as they don't really like to
✦- But in private it's common

✦- Lips
✦- He doesn't kiss you very often, not because he doesn't want to, just because it's kinda awkward to
✦- He's a lamp, and due to the shape of his head kissing you is a bit awkward for him but that doesn't mean he hate doing it
✦- He'll kiss you when you need comfort, when he needs comfort, or just feels like kissing you
✦- When doing so he'll either cup your face or hold your hands
✦- But before he makes sure you are clean

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- lips, cheek
✦- Kisses aren't very long, like 5 seconds
✦- When he kisses you, he likes to wrap his arms around either your waist or neck
✦- He kisses you often, can really be at any time
✦- He kisses you longer when either you or him need comfort or when the moment you're sharing together is romantic

✦- Forehead, lips
✦- He has to bend down to be able to kiss your forehead (Just figured out he's like 10ft tall)
✦- He has to pick you up to be able to kiss you on the lips
✦- He does kiss you often and really doesn't mind picking you up or bending down
✦- He would never make fun of you for being shorter than him
✦- How long he kisses you depends on the moment but they're never too short

✦- Lips, cheek, neck, nose, face
✦- Kisses you at random times, seriously you never know when he's going to kiss you
✦- He kisses you quite frequently
✦- How king the kisses are, is also randomized, sometimes 5 seconds sometimes 17
✦- He kissed you usually just to make you flustered
✦- He finds it cute

✦- Cheek, lips, nose, forehead
✦- You can tell when he wants to give you a kiss because he has a certain face he makes when he does
✦- It's sort of his way of asking if he can kiss you
✦- You guys kiss whenever you can, since he's busy almost all the time
✦- Kisses on the lips are either short and sweet, long kiss, or simple 10 seconds
✦- He likes to give you pecks on the forehead and cheek
✦- If he sees you at work, he runs up to you kisses your cheek then runs away waving to you

✦- Face
✦- He can't really kiss you due to his mouth being tilted, so your usually the one kissing him
✦- Like Gregoriah he also has a certain look when he wants a kiss
✦- Though, he's a little to embarrassed to verbally ask for a kiss so he moves his face closer to yours as a signal
✦- He gets flustered after kisses even if he asked for them
✦- Lips, hands, forehead
✦- I feel like she's that type of gal to kiss your hand
✦- She's a bit more formal when it comes to kisses and always asks for your permission before going ahead and kissing you
✦- Kisses happen here and there not too often but not too rare
✦- She may have to bend down due to being 6'10 (unless you're tall)
✦- Kisses are calm and gentle and last about 10 to 5 seconds

✦- Lips, cheek
✦- They don't exactly have lips so like said in a previous chapter they press their face against yours and make a "mwah" sound
✦- His kisses are quick pecks and last about 1-3 seconds
✦- They kiss your cheek often, it sometimes may be unexpected and he'll make sure to apologize if he made you uncomfortable
✦- On your lips is when you're happy or when he's happy

1026 words

If I hear another kid at my school say "gyat, rizz, skibdi sigma alpha" one more time I think I might throw myself or someone else out of a window

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