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*The following discusses of sexual comments, mentions of sh, and a few other heavy topics. *

So, I have been putting off making this chapter for quite awhile now.

I really do not like talking about topics such as this, though it has recently gotten worse and will just get worse if I do not address this.

Please stop crossing my boundaries.

If you aren't aware (which you should be as I explicitly said in the first chapter), I am uncomfortable with people making sexual comments under my writing.

I can take a joke and light sexual comments, but people have been taking it way too far.

Though, if you did make sexual comments, I informed you of boundary, and you stopped, this doesn't address you. (Aimed at someone)

Though, unfortunately, people leaving sexual comments isn't the only thing crossing my boundaries.

People have been leaving requests involving heavy topics such as these:

- Self harm

- Gender dysphoria (I'm not trans and think it would be incredibly disrespectful and uncomfortable for me to write about this)

- Smut (Not a heavy topic, yes, though still very odd as I stated I'm uncomfortable with and don't write it.)

- More topics I'm uncomfortable with writing

Now, please, respect my boundaries.

And if you're wondering, is this one of the reasons I don't have motivation to write? You are correct.

As I said before, I don't like talking about this, and this is why I've been putting it off for so long. I usually try to ignore people like these, but recently it's just gotten too much.

Thank you for reading.

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