♡𝙱𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞♡ Gɴᴀʀᴘʏ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Mk yall I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge already but there's still some people who might say "Erm

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Mk yall I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge already but there's still some people who might say "Erm.. Gnarpy is aroace and minor you can't write them like that 😡😡😡"

Gnarpy is actually ageless and doesn't have a specified sexuality now so no...

Also, I wanted to write this because Gnarpy would be really interesting to write for.

I still hate them though.


You tap your foot against the floors of the elevator. Your arms were crossed as an irritated expression was placed upon your face.

You hated having to share space with that alien cat...

It was obvious as to why, nobody liked Gnarpy. Well, at least in your head. You thought the people here should really show xim more hate. Xe deserved it after all.

Gnarpy glared at you, xry orbs narrowed. (IM SORRY). Xe hated you just as much as you hated xim. Not just because you were a human, but also because you were incredibly obnoxious, and just a waste of space in general.

You look back at Gnarpy, and raise an eyebrow. "You got a staring problem buddy?" You say, your voice ill-mannered.

"You are zo incredibly lucky I didn't bring my ZAPPER with me.." Gnarpy growled, making a cringe. "And you are so incredibly lucky I'm not calling animal control on you." You snap back, mimicking xry movement of narrowing your eyes.

"Ugh, you are INZUFFERABLE ZEEGLORP!" Gnarpy would yell making you roll your eyes.

"Is that like a slur in your language?" You ask, and to which you just get an angry glare from Gnarpy. You knew xe probably wasn't going to give you the satisfaction of knowing so you just assumed it was.

"GRRRR..." Gnarpy bared their teeth, leering at you.

"Bros trying to not let the alpha out-" You were then cut off by Gnarpy literally pouncing onto you. Xe started to scratch at your face, you tried to block xis attack. Though xe held your arms down, though that led to you using your legs to kick xim off of you.


(Insert epic fighting scene because I can't write a fighting scene because it's literally ass, I tried and it sucked so bad I'm still cringing from it.)

You and Gnarpy sit next to each other in the elevator, bruised, scratched, and beat up equally. You were both out of breath, you two were at war earlier. You looked down at your scratched up legs, knowing that you would definitely have to visit DR RETRO.

Gnarpy would turn their head to you, looking your beat up figure up and down. Xe was actually quite impressed that you were able to beat them up this much. You were pretty good at defending yourself, that surprised xim.

You would Gnarpy's eyes(orbs?) on you. You would then turn your head to Gnarpy, triggering an awkward silence between you two.

"Errr uh... you were... pretty good at fighting I guezz..." Gnarpy would mumble out, adverting their eyes(orbs?) from you again. This would leave an expression of shock on your face. Gnarpy complimenting you was the last thing you would've expected from the green alien.

A smile would break out onto your face, a slight chuckle following it. "Hm.. not so bad yourself." You respond, leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"I'm ztill better than you though." Gnarpy would comment, xis cockiness immediately showing back up.

You just smile, and roll your eyes.

- - -

"Are you seriously making me walk all the way up this hill?"


You groan at having to climb the high altitude of what was the hill. Annoyed at the fact Gnarpy was making you do so.

It's been a couple of months since that 'war' you two had. After so you guys became sort of friends? Gnarpy would regularly drag you places and their insults were more joking rather than honest.

You weren't exactly sure why xe decided to now have change of heart. But Gnarpy was weird, so xe'd do weird things. This was probably the weirdest one yet.

You finally make it up onto the hill, a little out of breath from the climbing.

"Okay... what-" You yelp at a paw grabbing your wrist and pulling you down onto the grassy surface of the hill.


"Zhut up and look."

You huff and rotate your head to where Gnarpy's paw was pointing to. Your eyes would now broaden as they landed on the twinkling stars.

You have gone stargazing a couple of times, but never had the stars been this vibrant. You would hear the laughter of Gnarpy next to you.

"You look ztupid." Gnarpy would snicker. You responded by rolling your eyes.

"Why did you bring me out here anyways? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you did, I'm just... curious as to why." You ask xim, leaning back, your hands supporting you.

"Becauze I hate you." Xe answer, leaving you with a puzzled expression. Xis words would then get through to you, as you realized xe meant the exact opposite.

"I love you too." You say, a smile turning up the sides of your lips.


Being conscious started to slip from your mind a bit. You were starting to grow tired, and without even realizing it, you slipped into sweet unconsciousness.

Your head would land on Gnarpy's shoulder, making them turn their head towards you. Xe would snicker once again, placing a paw on your shoulder as they held you closer.

"Ztupid zeebloink..."


916 words


I really tried my best to write Gnarpy, I apologize if xe's out of character :(

Chat I'm going insane send help it's 3:25 am

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