♡𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚎♡ Gʀᴇɢᴏʀɪᴀʜ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Summary: Gregoriah trying to find the right time to confess to you!!

Btw Buttondrop and Gregoriah broke up in this AU but they remained friends

Gregoriah looked at the clock in his 'office.' Knowing that after this job he would have to move onto his next one.

It wasn't that he hated it, he really enjoyed working. One of his main interests were bouncy balls so he worked everywhere who had them.

But recently, he found himself thinking about a particular someone in which he just couldn't take off his mind.

It was you.

The only person who seemed to crowd his mind. Thinking of how he really wanted to see you, and how much he missed you. Wait.... Did he like you?

Oh he definitely did.

He got excited every time he saw you texted him. Asking to leave early from his last job to be able to see you. And so many other signs he had a crush on you.

Gregoriah blushed as soon as he realized this. He then heard a ding from his phone. He picked up, and saw there was a text message from you. Excitement rushed through him as he opened the message.

You: "Hey Gregoriah! I was wondering, since you had the day off tomorrow, we could do something together!"

Gregoriah had almost forgotten, he in fact had the day off tomorrow. He could confess to you then! He smiled and began to start typing his response.

Gregoriah: "Oh sure! I wold lov to do somthin togther!1!1!!"

Gregoriah kicked his feet excitedly, as he saw you typing.

You: "Great!!!! Would a picnic sound good??"

Gregoriah: "Yep!!"

You: "Okay!!!"

Gregoriah then shut off his phone, almost exploding with happiness. Though, what would he say to you? That was probably something he needed to consider- he then heard the elevator doors open. That's right! He has to get back to his job!


You lay out the blanket and place the baskets of food down onto it. You were pretty nervous, your heart was beating quite fast.

You then heard yelling from the distance. You turned your head to where the noise was coming from. There you saw Gregoriah waving his hand with a bright smile.

"Hey I'm here! I'm not late am I..?" Gregoriah said he caught his breath. You smiled and shook your head. "Nope! You're right on time!" You replied, opening one of the baskets.

"Oh good! I was worried I was." Gregoriah then sat down next to you. As you pulled out one of the snacks you brought, you then turned to him and offered it. He then accepted it gratefully. "Thank you!" He said as he started to eat.

You two talked over some nice snacks. It was nice to finally hang out after a while of not being able to. It went unnoticed that the sun was starting to set as you two were so deep into your conversation.

It was only until it became night. Gregoriah stopped talking and looked up. You looked at him slightly concerned, but decided to look up as well.

The stars were absolutely gorgeous. Your eyes widened, the beauty of them catching you off guard.

And there you two were, laying next to each other admiring the beauty of the stars. Stargazing with  Gregoriah was definitely a different experience.

"Hey um... Y/N?" Gregoriah spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence between you two. "Yeah, what is it?" You said, turning your head to look at him.

"Would it be weird if I said I loved you?" Gregoriah stated, as a nervous smile appeared on his face. You smiled back at him.

"No, not at all." You said, looking back up at the stars.

"In fact I love you too."

"Does that mean we're dating now?"

"If you want it to mean that."

"Okay. I want it to mean that."

"Then I guess we're dating now."


660 words!!!!!!!!!


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