♡𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚆𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝙼𝚢 𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗♡ Uɴᴘʟᴇᴀsᴀɴᴛ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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I never thought I would make a genuine Unpleasant x Reader
And nor did I think it would be angst...

But anyways, I'm writing Unpleasant in his humanoid form so it's like not that weird and able to take seriously

Unpleasant uses he/it/they btw

Summary: You weren't real. You were just Unpleasant's imagination. It made you up.


Unpleasant closed the door to its room. Today had been another terrible day of living on this earth. Usually anyone who think or say that would be considered dramatic but no. Not when people hated you, couldn't even stand looking at you, or even being in the presence of you and weren't even afraid to voice it.

Everybody hated Unpleasant and he knew it. It was hard to like something unpleasant, and it was so much harder to love it.

Unpleasant laid down on their bed. Planning to just lay in this position for the next few days or so. It let its mind wander, to somewhere new. Somewhere so much more better than this hell he was forced to live in.

Unpleasant found himself somewhere, he wasn't exactly sure where. His mind had taken them somewhere. Though this somewhere was unfortunately a fragment of their imagination. But it would ignore that part.

Their mind started to create something—someone— an image.


Unpleasant made you up a few months ago. You weren't real, but it would give anything to make you real.

You were his comfort, their best friend, maybe even lover of its mind wandered off that far. (DONT GET YOUR MIND STUCK IN THE GUTTER, I MEAN LIKE DATES.)

He created you for comfort. They created you to love him.

Unpleasant would imagine you hugging him. Whispering that they weren't a burden, and you loved it. You would always be by their side.

You were the only person who loved them.

And yet you weren't real.

You were only his delusion.

Most days it would just lie in bed. Thinking about you and what you two would've done. What you two would've said to each other. How you would've comfort them. How you would've shown care and affection to them.

How it would be if you were real.

Unpleasant wished you were real.

If only you actually existed, it would have something to live for.


387 words

Here's a chapter before I disappear for 1283818192938738282 years again!

(I swear I'll update more when I'm finally out of school [two more weeks])

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