♡𝙰𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚗?!♡ 𝙶𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚢 + 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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Summary: A rude alien crashed into your backyard

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Summary: A rude alien crashed into your backyard

Platonic cuz Gnarpy is Aroace!! (Same bro)

Also this is an AU!


It was another boring night. Sitting on your couch, with a hot cup of tea in your hand. Simply just relaxing as the sound of the show you put on played in the background.

You felt yourself almost fall asleep.

You jumped up as you heard a large booming sound coming from your backyard. You dropped your cup of tea, the porcelain cup shattered onto the ground. Right now, that was the least of your worries. You got up and walked to the door leading out to your backyard.

With shaky hands, you slid the sliding glass door and looked outside. Some type of spaceship just plummeted into the ground of your backyard. Smoke was coming from the spaceship, making you wave your hand and cough.

Though, through all the smoke, you saw a figure climb out of the spaceship?! Oh god... aliens were real...

"ZTUPID ZHIP!" Yelled the figure, as it kicked off the part of the spaceship that fell on them. As the smoke cleared, you saw... an alien cat like thing? You had no idea. Whatever it was, it looked pretty weak currently.

Swallowing up your anxiety, you walked over to the being. Looking to the ship, then to xem. The alien looked up at you, xry glare mixed in with hatred and surprise. Though, due to crashing, xey used all xey strength to yell and kick off that part.

Their ship crashed, and now a human was probably going to send them off to lab or something. And xey couldn't do anything about it, due to how weak they were. Xey hated this, xey were dying to a mere human. This was probably the worst way to die....

- - -

Gnarpy opened all four of xry eyes to met with an unfamiliar bedroom. Huh? This didn't look like a lab at all...

They looked down to see themselves wrapped in white bandages. Whoever wrapped these did so with care. Gnarpy was almost impressed, almost. They seemed to be lying down on a bed? It looked nothing like the bed from xry planet. But what could you expect from humans?

Gnarpy groaned and sat up, rubbing their head. Xry four ears perked up as they heard the sound of a door creek open.

It was the human from earlier... had they took care of xem?

"Oh, you're awake, that's good." The human said as they flashed Gnarpy a smile. Gnarpy growled, baring their teeth. "What have you done human?" Xey said.

"Um, took care of you? Your ship is still outside by the way. You crashed into my backyard, which will probably take me a bunch of money to fix.." They said squinting their eyes and looking to the side.

"You... took care of me..? Are you planning zomething?" Gnarpy snapped, sitting up. Though, xey learned to regret that as a sharp pain ran up xry spine. Xey whined, before huffing and lying back down.

"No, I saw you were in pain and simply wanted to take care of you. Along with fact I'm pretty curious about you since ya know you're an alien-... okay." They stopped talking as Gnarpy shot them a harsh glare.

Though Gnarpy was quite shocked at the fact that this human had taken xem in. And not sent them off to a lab or kill xem or something else. Maybe they should be at least a little nice because they probably would've died of it weren't for the human.

But that doesn't mean xry species is far better than humans.

Oh well, Gnarpy will have to get used to this until xry ship is finally fixed.

Great... just great.


627 words


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