☆𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔☆

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You rn: 🤢

✦- Gloves, mask, gas mask-
✦- I'm joking, though she would be pretty cautious as she doesn't want to get sick herself
✦- She'd probably be really worried about you as well, due to thoughts of this cold may becoming some type of deadly virus
✦- Of course, she's just over thinking it
✦- Calls DR. RETRO to help you
✦- And then you get better!

✦- You cold? Have a blanket
✦- You hungry? She just made some soup for you!
✦- Would give you medicine and check your temperature every once in awhile
✦- honestly just really sweet to you and makes sure you get better

✦- "You're sick? Oh no! D:"
✦- *insert sad party horn*
✦- They check up on you every once in awhile to make sure you're doing okay
✦-Would wait until you get better
✦- Once you get better, they would throw a party for your recovery

✦- Shoves a bottle of medicine in your face
✦- "飲め (Drink it)."
✦- To which you do
✦- He wouldn't make you soup or anything but would stay by you to make sure you're alright
✦- He doesn't worry about you because it's just a cold and you'll be fine
✦- Though he does want you to at least feel 'not-shitty'

✦- I'm going to go on a different route with Infected
✦- You caught HIS sickness/virus
✦- Sorry bud, but you ain't healing from this
✦- But hey! It's not all that bad, now you can hug him and kiss him without worrying anymore because you already caught it!
✦- Though you're dealing with all the problems he has
✦- Also you talk "l1k3 th15" now
✦- Infected worries about you, but is kinda of happy due to now being able to hold you freely now

✦- Now they're sad :0(
✦- They would probably ask you what they can do to make you feel better
✦- Buys you some soup and a few of your favorite snacks
✦- Checks up on you through text
✦- "Are you okay?"
✦- "Yes Pilby, I'm alright."
✦- "You sure??"
✦- "FaceTime me."
✦- They are very worried for and won't stop worrying until you feel better <3

✦- Sorry bro, but he wouldn't visit you due to being a MASSIVE germaphobe
✦- Would text you and FaceTime you to make sure you're doing fine though
✦- He'd text you medicine, benadryl, and anything that'll help you heal and get better
✦- So you won't be sick for long

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- "Some silly ol' sickness ain't gonna hurt yer'!"
✦- Gives you medicine and makes you soup
✦- Pats your head and tells you to get better

✦- "Oh dear, I'll take care of you."
✦- Like the gentleman he is, he will take care of you just like he said!
✦- Makes sure you're comfortable, and gets you a bunch of blankets
✦- Makes you soup from scratch (I head cannon he's a great chef)
✦- Would even spoon-feed you medicine

✦- "You're sick? Oh shi-"
✦- He makes fun of you, then takes care of you
✦- Your temperature determines wether he worries for you or not
✦- leaves a bowl of soup by your door
✦- He's sort of softer with you when you're sick

✦- He'd would actually call in sick to all of his jobs just to help take care of you
✦- Would feed you soup, get you medicine, check your temperature, covers you with blankets, and really anything he could possibly do
✦- Is very attentive and caring when you're sick
✦- He just wants you better!

✦- "Will...you...be okay..?"
✦- "Yes Spud, I'll be fine."
✦- He definitely worries for you, but not to the point it's overwhelming him
✦- Though, he doesn't really know how to take care of you but tries to
✦- Once you reassure him a few times he'll stop worrying too much

620 words


12:30 rn I need to go to sleep 😭

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