♡𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙿𝚘𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛♡ Pᴏᴏʙ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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A few different people

(Nobody gave me a storyline so I made my own)

summary: You have a panic attack during one of Pooh's parties and they try to comfort you!


Maybe it was their annoying voice, or possibly their goofy appearance or...

You groaned, wondering why you couldn't get a familiar yellow noob who has a taste for parties out of your mind. It was interesting to say the least.

It's not that you hated them, or maybe you did. You could never tell when it came to yourself. You were certainly not like Pest though. You had manners, and a lack of arrogance due to having doubt in yourself.

Hm, perhaps that's why you didn't like parties. Parties meant being social, and social meant talking about yourself and that's something you definitely did not like.

But even with your distaste in parties, Poob seemed to take a liking to you. For whatever reason, you had no idea why. After all, how could someone like them, be fond of someone like you? It never made sense, but I guess Poob never makes sense.

Though, you're in conflict with yourself on whether you like them or not. You hate them, but at the same time you love them. It was confusing, and left you questioning if you really do know your emotions. We said that earlier: you really never knew when it came to you.

Even with their constant nagging, you found yourself saying more "yes," than "no." And that is most likely the reason you're here.

Music was blasting from the for little speakers Poob set up in their kitchen. There was the light smell of strawberry cake and other kinds of pastries in the air. People were chatting, dancing, joking, and laughing.

And you were just standing off to the side, munching on your favorite snack Poob, for some reason, got for you. You were confused by the kind gesture, but appreciated it nonetheless. Though, that still did not make you want to interact with anyone.

"Haiii Y/N!!!" That familiar 'annoying' voice rang in your ear. You turn your head to see Poob, a wide grin on their face. "Wat are u doin just standing in tha corner??? Come on let's party!" Poob said offering their hand to you.

You look at their hand, thinking of the horrendous scenarios that could happen if you placed your hand in theirs and let them lead you. You look back at them and shook your head. "Uhm... no thank you I'm okay.." You say with a nervous smile. You watched as they frowned and lower their hand.

"Oh.. that's okay!" Poob exclaimed, their smile turning back onto their face. They didn't want to force you into anything, so they waved and walked away.

꧁.                               ☘︎︎.                                 ꧂

It was a bit sudden when the lights abruptly got brighter, the music was obnoxiously loud, and now everyone around you was making your head pound even worse. You could feel your heart beat speed up, as the environment around you started to swirl into one colorful blur.

You placed your hand on your head and dug them into your scalp. You just needed to get away, everyone was watching you break down.

"Y/N? Y/N r u ok..?" They touched your shoulder and you violently jumped back. "Oh- I'm sorry..." Poob said with a concerned look. "Here.. follow me!" They said, as they started to walk towards a room.

You followed them, in hope to get away from everything making your head pound.

They opened the door and walked in. It was Poob's bedroom, it brought you a bit of comfort just to be in here. It was quiet... no bright lights... no crowd of people. You looked at Poob, who still had a concerned expression on their face.

"Y/N..r u-" They were cut off when you suddenly ran into their arms. Tightly wrapping her arms around them, begging to sob as they hugged you back. They pat your back and tried their best to comfort you. It helped a lot actually.

You pulled away from them and wiped your puffy red face that was stained with tears. You rubbed your eyes and sniffed. "Thank you... sorry for being a party pooper.." you chuckled, a small smile on your face.

"Hey ur no party poober! U just panicked, evry1 does dat!" Poob said, cupping your face and helping you wipe the tears that fell from your eyes. You sort of leaned into the warmth of their hands.

"Hehe... thanks again Poob.."


760 words

Im not too sure if I like this oneshot, if I decide I don't like it I might delete or re-write it. But still, I hoped you enjoyed!

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