☆𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚒𝚊𝚗☆

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I love interesting requests like these

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I love interesting requests like these

But I'm gonna give a bit of background: You are NOTHING like Gnarpy (You do not look like xim either). Opposite of them I guess you could say. You are an ex-soldier, you were forced to fight in the Gnarpian military. You were controlling the ship until you saw the elevator: a way to escape. So you purposefully crashed your ship and sneaked into the elevator hoping none of the soldiers or Gnarpy.. saw you. And so you began your journey through the elevator and meeting different people.
(I apologize if this is wrong, I don't know too much about the gnarpians I just went on the wiki and used all the info there)
If you don't know what to look like you can use this design!

(I apologize if this is wrong, I don't know too much about the gnarpians I just went on the wiki and used all the info there)If you don't know what to look like you can use this design!

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✦- She literally thought you were Gnarpy at first
✦- Due to you looking somewhat like them
✦- When she found out you weren't Gnarpy, she began to bombard you with questions
✦- You felt uncomfortable with answering most of them as you quite literally just escaped
✦- When you told her you didn't want to answer she was upset but backed off
✦- It wasn't her intention to make you uncomfortable she was just extremely curious and Gnarpy wouldn't answer her questions either
✦- But if you get to know her overtime you would eventually answer all the questions she had

✦- "Hey! You kinda look like that one alien cat who hates my jokes!"
✦- "...Gnarpy?"
✦- "Oh, yeah!"
✦- "Please don't compare me to them..."
✦- Split felt terrible
✦- She didn't exactly know what happened, but she could tell you definitely were not fond of Gnarpy
✦- She apologized and asked if maybe she could tell you a joke to make you feel better
✦- Even though it wasn't funny, it still made you smile knowing she was trying to make you feel better
✦- You get to know her overtime and become friends

✦- "Woahh!! R u another alien cat???
✦- "Oh yeah, I guezz you could zay that. I'm Gnarpian though!"
✦- "Oooooo! Dat's so cool!!!"
✦- They were quite nice to you didn't ask you too many questions
✦- You both had a pleasant conversation about parties and cakes as other different things
✦- These subjects intrigued you as you've never went to a party or had cake
✦- Poob promised that one day he would throw you a party and give you cake even if it wasn't your birthday
✦- You two bonded overtime as well

✦- "あれは別の宇宙人ですか?(Is that another alien?)"
✦- "Um... I'm zorry I don't underztand you.."
✦- He doesn't care much for you
✦- If you talk to him he'd be quite dry, but you could sense he a bit surprised
✦- You're nice, not what he was expecting due to last experiences.. *cough cough* Gnarpy *cough cough.*
✦- There's a slim chance you'd actually get to know him
✦- But if you're persistent then maybe you two would actually become friends

✦- "H3y! @n0th3r 4l1en?"
✦- When he first saw you he thought you were cool
✦- He asked if you knew how to skate and to which you said you didn't know what that was
✦-He explained to you what it was even if it was kind of hard for him to die to you not getting it
✦- But he offered to teach you some time
✦- You two got to know each other overtime and became good friends

✦- "No! Please don't squish me under your shoe!"
✦- "What? Why would I do that?"
✦- "Wait... you're not Gnarpy.."
✦- They were confused at first, finding out you weren't Gnarpy
✦- But surprise led to curiosity in which led them to ask you questions
✦- Luckily they were just questions about your species and where you came from, nothing related to your trauma
✦- You and Pilby got to know each other over time and became good friends as well

✦- At first he didn't really bother to interact with you
✦- Though, he was kinda intrigued so he spoke up
✦- He, like everyone else, asked you questions
✦- Some you answered, and some that were a bit too personal you didn't answer to
✦- It would probably take a few interactions to actually become friends
✦- Due to him not being the first one to talk

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- "Hay! Yer' look kinda like that one lil' alien cat I seen earlier!"
✦- "You wouldn't be the firzt one to zay that..."
✦- "Are you the same species?"
✦- "Yez... but I'm nothing like xim.. they can go zap themzelves for all I care..."
✦- He understood that nobody liked Gnarpy, but xe seemed to think highly of their kind, which led him to assume xe was only nice to Gnarpians
✦- But you seemed to hate xim just as much as Spud, he was confused about that
✦- You refused to answer his following questions, as they made you uncomfortable, he did understand and left you be
✦- Your next interaction would be okay and that's probably where you two would get to know eachother

✦- "Oh-! Apologies friend, I thought you were someone else."
✦- "It'z uh.. fine, but you zeem to be made of concrete.."
✦- "Ah, yes, I am in fact made of concrete!"
✦- He did think you were Gnarpy at first, but as he took a closer look at you, it was obvious you aren't
✦- He was rather polite to you
✦- The fact he was made of concrete interested you
✦- You asked him some questions and he answered in return
✦- A very pleasant interaction, you two most likely became friends

[I've removed Miché and  Gregoriah because I don't know how they would react, sorry :( though if you have an idea of how they would feel free to comment it! ]

✦- Spud! Was horrified of you at first
✦- They refused to get near you, even if you weren't Gnarpy
✦- But maybe, if you're lucky enough they'll see you're nothing like Gnarpy
✦- It might be a few days before you look behind you and Spud! Is right there
✦- Spud! First asks you about how come you, a Gnarpian, is so kind compared to Gnarpy
✦- You did answer and shared a bit of your trauma, knowing Spud! Was similar in a way and it made you feel comfortable with sharing
✦- The information you shared shocked them and to which you two started to get to know each other
✦- And well as of currently, Spud! Is probably your closest friend
✦- She won't care lol
✦- Though, would probably be a tad bit interested in you
✦- If you're lucky, she might ask you a question and you two would then have a conversation
✦- To which she invites you to have another one sometime later
✦- That's how you two became friends

✦- "Oh! I never thought there would be another Gnarpian traveling the elevator!"
✦- "Yeah um... pleaze don't tell them I'm here..."
✦- "Huh? Why?"
✦- ".... I-... can't let xim know this is where I reside.."
✦- Prototype was curious but knew you looked uncomfortable with such questions so they backed off
✦- You started to see them in the elevator more often, and you guys had more friendly interactions to one point you decided to visit them
✦- After awhile of being friends you finally opened up to them
✦- He felt sorry for you and comforted to you to

1201 words


I have barely any motivation 😔

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