♡𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚅𝚒𝚎𝚠♡ Gɴᴀʀᴘɪᴀɴ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ & Sᴘᴜᴅ

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I'll take any excuse to make more Gnarpian reader

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I'll take any excuse to make more Gnarpian reader

This story may or may not be inspired by the artwork of them and Spud

Warnings: mentions of killing, blood, war and torture

Summary: You and Spud share your tragic backstories while watching the stars and bond over your hate for Gnarpy‼️‼️

(Btw this is kinda of what I think the planet Gars [planet Gnarpians are from] is like so don't come attacking me if something ain't cannon/right)


Your eyes shined from the reflection of the stars. Well, due to them being completely black they always seemed to shine. But, never mind that.

Currently, you were sat down comfortably on the greenish grass of a low hill. The fur attached to your skin blow in a right direction, due to the cool calm breeze. It might have been the most peaceful you have ever felt. After all, back then on your home planet peace was inexistent. You thought peace disappeared long ago. But now with your freedom, it just seemed to come naturally.

"... You okay..?..spud.." The voice of Spud came from right next to you. Your four ears perked up and you snapped back to the reality of the situation. You turned your head to face your leg-less friend. A small smile then presented itself on your face.

"I'm okay Zpud, I guezz I'm juzt not uzed to how peaceful it iz.." You chuckled leaning back with your first pair of arms. Spud looked at you with a puzzled expression, your answer seemingly confused them. You sigh, sitting back up again. You knew they wanted to know the reason as to why.

"When I waz back on Garz peaceful momentz were really juzt a diztant memory." You began, glancing at the landscape of hills and trees in front of you.

༄ . . . ༄

You hated every second of it.

You remembered all those nights you cried after fighting in yet another war.

You were used to being called weak and sensitive. But in reality you just weren't sadistic.

Ever since you were forced to become a soldier, your existence has been absolutely horrific. Seeing blood, dead corpses and hearing screams became a daily occurrence.

It didn't help the co-leader was practically sadistic.

Was your job just to kill? Watch people die? And have absolutely no remorse for your very wrong actions?

You choked.

You need to get out of this place.

Before you lost your mind.

༄ . . . ༄

With a sigh, you finished up your story. You fidgeted with soft blades of grass. You then look to Spud, his face, that's what hit you like a truck. They looked so sorrowful, so sympathetic, so compassionate for you...

You honestly couldn't help the tears that began to rush out of your four black eyes. Spud was a little shaken at the fact you had just started bawling, there, right in front of him.

They rose their long deformed arm and gently patted you on the back. He wasn't too sure on how to comfort you, he never really received that much comfort himself.

You rested your head on her shoulder. If he could smile, he would be smiling right now. They knew you felt comfortable with them. They continued to pat you on the back as it seemed to help console you.

"I've never really looked at the ztars from thiz point of view.." You comment, feeling much more relaxed. The stars twinkled in a way you have haven't witnessed before. The stars were much more vibrant here than on your planet.

It made you happy.

You were finally able to know what happiness felt like; quite often now actually.

It was nice.

And you would definitely love seeing the stars more now from this point of view. Especially if your best friend Spud is by your side.


635 words


*Throws this story at you and runs away.*

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