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Summary: You watch as your relationship with Lampert and Kasper fall apart after Kasper caught the virus

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Summary: You watch as your relationship with Lampert and Kasper fall apart after Kasper caught the virus.

I got more angst in the works

You were currently cleaning out your closet. It was rather messy, and you had a lot of old clothing that no longer fit you.

You huffed, throwing another old jacket into the throw away pile. You were about to grab another piece of clothing, until you noticed a small dusty box in the corner of your closet.

Curiosity took over you, and you pushed aside all of the miscellaneous things to get to it. You picked it up, and placed it on your lap. You then opened it, gasping at what you found inside.

Three broken friendship bracelets.

The ones from when you were friends with Lampert and Kasper...

You pick them up and look at them. Old memories that you thought you buried suddenly rose up and out of the grave.

You wished it could've lasted longer.

You knew things were never meant to last forever. After all, it was the way of life, the way things went. It was impossible for things to last for eternity.

You've been told this so many times. And every time you were, it just made the fracture in your heart wound even more.

Where did it all go wrong?

꧁                                 ♪                                  ꧂

"Come on Lampert! We haven't seen him in a while, don't you ever... miss him?" Your voice rang through the room, it was softer than usual. You adverted your eyes to Lampert, who seemed to be disinterested in the conversation.

"No, I don't." Lampert didn't even bother to look your way. He never liked talking about Kasper. Ever since that virus took over him, Lampert seemed to be disgusted by the mere thought of him. This upset you, Kasper was your friend and his too!

You thought Lampert would at least mail him something, like a "get well soon" card. But no, it's like he never valued his friendship with Kasper. His actions confused you. You recognized he was a germaphobe, and didn't want to catch what Kasper had. But Lampert looked uncomfortable with discussing the topic of him.

"But Lampert-"

"Could you shut up? I don't want to talk about Kasper." You were cut off by his rather harsh tone. Your eyes widened as he suddenly snapped at you. This was... unlike him. He never lashed out at you. You held your tongue and decided it was best to not say anything more.

What happened? How come Lampert now had a distaste for Kasper? Why did he yell at you? Does he hate Kasper now? Did Kasper do something? Is it because of Kasper's virus?

Questions spun around through your head like a spinning wheel. There wasn't an answer to them either. What were you supposed to do in this situation? Great, another question you didn't have an answer to.

Maybe you'll just have to wait.

꧁                                 ♪                                  ꧂

Watching your treasured friendship fall apart was a heartbreaking experience.

It's what left the wound in your heart now. You always think back to when Kasper thanked you for your care.

"I'm glad that you at least care, Lampert doesn't seem to like me anymore."

Your vision blurred at the corners of your eyes. You sigh and blink away the tear before they could fall out of your eyes. You've already cried about this too many times.

Kasper, could you even call him that anymore?

You sigh, knowing you couldn't go back in time. You couldn't go back and relive all those memories Kasper, Lampert and you shared. Even the time you made friendship bracelets.

Kasper doesn't remember you, and Lampert just left you after he left Kasper.

Was that the way it was meant to end? All those years, for just some discarded friendship that will never be able to be brought back?

Maybe in another universe it could've lasted forever.

You swallowed the lump in your throat. You put back the three broken friendship bracelets, back into the dusty box.

All of that for three broken friendship bracelets.

And a wound in your heart that will never be repaired.


695 words

Erm what the sigma

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