☆𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜☆

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This was requested by someone but I couldn't find the comment (totally wasn't just too lazy to)

Hooray fluff for once


✦- For the sake of her paranoia, you get her something different
✦- You got her a coffee mug
✦- She's a bit surprised once you give her the gift, but accepts it with appreciation
✦- She always uses that specific mug for her coffee now
✦- It is technically now as prized possession to her

✦- Once you show her the flowers her eyes would light up and she'd take it
✦- "Aw... this just 'rose' my mood!"
✦- She'd laugh and then kiss you on the cheek
✦- Thanking you once again for the gift

✦- "U got me flowrs??!!!"
✦- They would smile brightly as you gift them the flowers
✦- They'd jump up and down and hurry to go get a vase for it
✦- They'd place it in the vase, then hurry back to you and give you hug
✦- "Ur da best!!!"
✦- They would then give you a quick peck

✦- "...flowers..?"
✦- He'd squint his eyes as you hold out the flowers for him
✦- You'd get a little sad as it looked like he didn't want them
✦- "Oh.. sorry, do you not like flowers?"
✦- He'd raise his eyebrow
✦- "When did I say that?"
✦- "..so you want them?"
✦- "神様、あなたはとても愚かです(God, you're so dumb)"
✦- "Excuse me?"
✦- He'd then take them and hold them
✦- Would go back to his place and put them in a vase (without you knowing he did)

✦- "F0R m3???? @ww!"
✦- He'd be flattered once you give him the flowers
✦- Would then compliment the flowers
✦- Then looked back at you and compliment you
✦- He'd be holding the bouquet for the whole day
✦- Once he gets back to his apartment her would put it on his gaming desk

✦- "You really think I'm alright..?"
✦- "Pilby, you're more than alright."
✦- Pilby's eyes started watering and you hugged them
✦- They sniffed as you hugged them, still holding onto the bouquet
✦- They love it

✦- "...These are sanitized right?"
✦- You don't actually say that, you just say of course they are
✦- You would never give him something that was not sanitized
✦- Lampert did appreciate it, but wasn't exactly sure on what to say
✦- You noticed this and just said "Don't worry, you don't have to say anything, I just.. hope you enjoy the flowers."
✦- He smiled at that

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- "Flowers? Why yer' too sweet!"
✦- He smiled as he looked at the flowers you got him
✦- He takes them from your hands and then looks back at you
✦- He thanks you before putting the flowers in a vase
✦- He puts them somewhere where he can see them
✦- It's no use thinking about him when he has you

✦- "You...you got me flowers? Why they're lovely!"
✦- He gratefully accepts them and stops to smell them
✦- He then chuckles and thanks you for them
✦- He's glad to be with someone WHO WILL ACTUALLY GET HIM FLOWERS
✦- Bonus points if you give them to him in front of Mark

✦- "Oh for me? Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing.."
✦-Would then take the flowers and admire them
✦- "They're pretty... but not as pretty as you."
✦- He'd then chuckle at your flustered face

✦-"Flowers???? For me??? Oh my gosh!!"
✦- He'd gasp once he received them
✦- He would thank you over and over again
✦- He loves them so much and rush to put them in a vase
✦- Will cry if he sees one of roses wilting

✦- "These... relax Spud's head.."
✦- For some reason the bouquet of roses is oddly familiar
✦- They love it though and thank you
✦- They like just admiring and take it as a sign you care for them
✦- The roses comfort them in a way
✦- "Roses?....They're beautiful, thank you."
✦- She would admire the roses for a few seconds
✦- She would place the roses in a vase and put the vase on her desk in OFFICE OF floor
✦- Sometimes, if she's feeling a bit saddened, she'll look over at the roses
✦- The roses make her think of you, and the thought of you comforts her
✦- Even after the roses wilt, every time she sees a rose she'll think of you

✦- "Woah! So pretty! I love them!"
✦- They would say as you hand them the roses
✦- They would admire them and touch the petals out of curiosity
✦- He would then look back at you with a smile
✦- He'd then thank you for them, and comment on how you're the best

755 words

This chapter is severely half-assed

I might be starting to get writers block 😭 (I don't know though, so don't panic yet.)

Anyways I drew my roblox avatar and wanted to share it on here because I like how it turned out

Anyways I drew my roblox avatar and wanted to share it on here because I like how it turned out

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