♡𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗♡ Uɴᴘʟᴇᴀsᴀɴᴛ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

752 37 52

Idk why you guys like this Gradient so much but I kinda bad for the guy

So like, this is angst + fluff

Unpleasant uses he/they/it

Summary: You thought no one knew who you were... until Unpleasant said your name.


You were easily forgotten.

Nobody really remembered your name, your favorite color, your favorite food, your favorite thing to do...

Birthdays were lonely, no one came to your party. You were used to sitting alone, eating the cake you for some reason bought.

You were used to spending every day alone. You were used to everyone forgetting you.

The common interaction you had was somebody asking you who you were. When you would reply with, "Oh no... we met before. I'm Y/N, remember?" And to which they would reply back with something along the lines of, "Uh, sorry, I don't remember you..."

That would end up with you crying yourself to sleep knowing nobody would care enough to remember you.

- - -

You would find your place in the corner of the elevator.

There wasn't anyone present in the elevator, which wasn't much of a concern to you. You stood, looking down at your shoes. Your mind would start to absorb your awareness, as you jumped from one thought to another.

The world outside would become nothing but a place you weren't currently present in. You were too busy getting lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice the elevator doors opening.

Along with someone 'unpleasant' entering.

Unpleasant would look at you, staying silent at first. It recognized you, even though you two had barely spoken. You were the first person to not insult them. Maybe that's why he recognized you immediately.

Unpleasant usually wasn't the one to talk first, but he smiled and opened their mouth. "What's up Y/N!" Unpleasant would greet.

This sentence pulled you out of your thoughts. Your eyes would widen, not only because you hadn't noticed him entering, but that it just... spoke your name.

"...You-...You know my name?" You say, in disbelief. Unpleasant's expression turned to one of surprise. It hadn't expected for you to react that way. They nodded their head.

"Uh...yeah..? I ranted to you about skibidi toilet bro, remember?" You wanted to laugh at their response, but you were too shocked that somebody actually knew who you were.

"I'm sorry... I'm just so surprised you remember me.. no one.. ever does.." You explained, clasping your hands together and fiddling with your fingers. Unpleasant would just nod its head, seemingly understanding you.

"Ahh... uh, I can relate.. kinda? No one really likes me..." Unpleasant would look to the ground. You would just smile at them.

"So we're both socially outcasted?"

"Heh.. yeah, I guess they just can't handle our sigma alpha skibidi rizz."


"The sigma."


- - -

Maybe it was fate, but you and Unpleasant became best friends. Both forgotten, and socially outcasted friends!

It was a benefit to both of you as well. It was common for you two to cry in each other's arms and you having to listen to Unpleasant's odd way of comforting.

"You're too skibdi sigma to cry man." Unpleasant would say to you, roughly patting your back as you cry and cough. You smile and wipe the tears from your face. "Thanks Unpleasant..." You mumble as you lay your head on his shoulder.

And also.. if you're wondering... yes, you forced him to take a shower almost every day. Sometimes you would have to break into its apartment to just push it into the shower.

Unpleasant also helped you clean your shit hole of a room. So, you were helping each other there too.

Maybe you two weren't exactly socially accepted, as everyone still hated Unpleasant, and everyone still forgot who you were but...

You had each other.

And as corny as it sounds, it was the only thing that mattered.

You no longer had to cry yourself to sleep.

Because Unpleasant remembered every single thing about you.

Unpleasant no longer had those horribly wrenching thoughts that no one would ever love them.

Because you did.


690 words


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