☆𝙸𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚝𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞..☆

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Bɪᴠᴇ:  ✦- Would break you away from the person IMMEDIATELY✦- She would literally throw them to the ground if she had to✦- She'll probably start yelling at them to get away from you and that she knew they were part of the government, and were tryin...

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✦- Would break you away from the person IMMEDIATELY
✦- She would literally throw them to the ground if she had to
✦- She'll probably start yelling at them to get away from you and that she knew they were part of the government, and were trying to take you away from her, ect.
✦- You had to drag her away because her outburst was getting too much
✦- She would be super shaky afterwards
✦- Expect her to be clinging onto you for the rest of the day and the day after that

✦- If she sees you're uncomfortable she would come between you and the person
✦- First saying how she needs you for something and that they would have to wait
✦- She would then take your hand and you guys would go get some banana split's to share, her treat!

✦- Safe to say that person is dead
✦- You know how if you punch Poob enough times they'll kill you? Yeah, that person made you so uncomfortable to the point they killed them
✦- While you are still trying to process what happened, they will take your hand and ask where you wanna go
✦- Pretending like they didn't just kill someone
✦- But could you blame them?

✦- Once he sees your uncomfortable, he quickly stands beside you
✦- One hand is either on your waist, hip, or shoulder
✦- He glares hard at that person
✦- He's not afraid to get physical if the person tries anything
✦- He'll just stare at them menacingly until they eventually walk away
✦- He then asks if your okay afterward

✦- "0k4y br4h, th4t5 3n0ugh."
✦- Will come between you and the person once he sees your visibly uncomfortable
✦- He tells the person off and to leave you alone
✦- Once the person leaves he'll turn to you and ask if you're okay
✦- You nod and you get to choose what you two do for the rest of the day

✦- Pilby will come up next to you and take your hand
✦- "I need them for something.." then quickly walk away with you holding their hand
✦- Roles reversed and Pilby is now the one comforting you
✦- Pilby asks what they could do to make you feel better
✦- And then Pilby does that thing :0)

✦- "I would appreciate if you kept your hands off them as they don't need any of the disgusting bacteria that lies your hands on them."
✦- He pulls you away while telling them off
✦- He makes sure to include all the details of how unsanitary they are, that's kind of the way he insults people
✦- You guys then go do something to forget about the situation

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- He see's you uncomfortable, he's gonna get physical
✦- They have 10 seconds to back off before he beats the ever living shit outta them.
✦- So don't worry, you southern bark boyfriend got's ya covered
✦- Then you guys pretend like it never happened

✦- One word, kick
✦- You blink and suddenly the person is flying and Wallter is next to you
✦- "They won't be bothering you anymore."
✦- He said with a small smile
✦- Sometimes you forget how strong Wallter actually is
✦- That he literally has the power to send someone to the heavens with a single kick
✦- Nice to know that brick boy is your boyfriend

✦- He comes up behind you and death stares the person
✦- Once they leave and you turn to him, he just shrugs and says it's nothing to worry about
✦- He asks if your okay and then he tries to make you laugh so you can forget about it

✦- He would also come between you and the person and politely tell them to step back
✦- "Can't you see the visible discomfort on their face? You should learn how to ask for consent before laying hands on anyone."
✦- He then takes your hand and walks away
✦- He asks if your okay, he's really concerned
✦- He then takes you to one of the fun places he works at and you guys hangout there
✦- The activities you did made you forget about the situation

✦- All he would have to do is walk up next to you and they would run away screaming
✦- He would turn to and ask if your okay
✦- You nod and you two have a walk to forget about it

714 words 🤯🤯🤯🤯

Ik I wanted to say something here but I forgot

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