☆ 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚞𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚍 ☆

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Today I found out that Bive and Split are cannon

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Today I found out that Bive and Split are cannon.
Yeah. Anyways my human design of bive.

✦- Would flinch but calm down once she notices it's you
✦- She's not really used to hugs so she'll probably get a bit flustered
✦- Kinda just stands there, since she's not really sure on what to do

✦- ...how? Due to her shell and back legs, I imagine it's kinda hard to hug her from behind
✦- Let's just say you're kinda standing next to her to be able to
✦- She'd perk up and look to at you
✦- She would then smile and turn around to hug you back

✦- They'd blow their party horn in surprise
✦- Looking over their shoulder, they saw you
✦- A big smile would break out on their face as a little "Awww!" Would slip out
✦- Waits until you let go, so they can give you big hug from the front

✦- He'd first flinch as he feels your arms wrap around him
✦- Then his face would probably flush
✦- He'd then push you off him (Like gentle but harsh at the same time)
✦- "Don't do that..."
✦- He says as he crosses his arms and looks away

✦- "00f! >~<"
✦- He'd flinch but as he sees it's you he melts into the hug
✦- Would try to hug you back by sort of holding your arms
✦- Once you break away he'd ask: "Wh4t w45 th4t f0r????"

✦- "Doh..!"
✦- They'd be moping until they feel your arms wrap around them
✦- Once they see it's you, their frown turns into a little smile
✦- Sort of leans their head against yours as you hug them

✦- His eyes would widened as he looks over his shoulder
✦- He then calms down and relaxes into the hug
✦- His light seemed to glow a bit brighter
✦- Until he realized something
✦- "Wait... you're clean right?"
✦- "Ever since you became my boyfriend I've always been clean..."
✦- "Oh, okay."

🇲 🇦 🇷 🇰 :
✦- He doesn't really flinch his eyebrows just raise
✦- Once he looks over shoulder and sees it's you, he smiles
✦- He knew it was you anyway
✦- Once you let go, he'll turn around and give you a big bear hug

✦- Either you're hugging his legs or... somewhere close to um... or if you're pretty tall you're hugging his waist
✦- Though, his eyes would widen and he'd look behind him
✦- He'd calm down once he sees it's you and then chuckle
✦- Then would allow you to keep hugging him for however long you please (though will ask you to let go if it gets too long)

✦- Bro almost falls over
✦- You scared him
✦- He'd feel relieved once he looks behind him
✦- "Sorry for scaring you."
✦- "It's fine, don't worry about it."
✦- He then pats your head and allows you to keep hugging him for awhile more

✦- He already knows it's you
✦- "Hi Gregoriah!"
✦- "Hello Y/N!"
✦- He then turns around and hugs you back
✦- You guys stay like that for a few more seconds before he has to get back to work
✦- He's a very busy guy 😭

✦- He flinches at first
✦- But then as he sees it's you, he gets pretty flustered
✦- But he's happy as well
✦- You two sit there for awhile
✦- He gets sad once you let go

I cut my thumb while opening my sprite :(

Also do you guys want me to add Mach and Prototype? If so I can make a catch up chapter.

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