♡𝙸𝚝 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎♡ Iɴғᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ X Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ

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Look... I know I haven't finished my current requests... BUT I WANTED TO DO THIS ONE SO BAD😭😭😭

You lie on the ground, your mind foggy.

It seemed to be that way ever since this virus entered your brain. You knew Infected was... well infective. And well, you could only have a few close calls ever so often.

Of course, you don't blame him for that. After all, how could you? It wasn't his fault, he warned you from the start of your friendship and well... relationship.

You felt this was coming, but you kept pushing it aside. Now, here you are, looking up at the ceiling in Infected's apartment.

You sighed, you needed to blow your nose again. Sitting up, you grabbed one of the tissues from the tissue box next to you. You blew your nose. The weird black and pink checkered substance soaked the tissue. You then crumbled it up and threw it into the trash can that was placed right next to the tissue box.

There was a knock at your door. It was probably Infected. You've started living with him ever since you caught the virus.

"C0m3 1n." You said, sort of cringing at how weird your voice sounded. You still needed to get used to that.

The door nob turned, and the door was pushed open. Your boyfriend, Infected, greeted you with a smile and stepped into your room. His smile made things a bit better.

"H3y Y/N, 4r3 y0u d01ng 0k4y?" He asked, looking down at you. Sympathy and guilt overwhelmed him as he did. He knew how much you were suffering. And he felt so guilty for spreading it to you.

"...N0.." You answered truthfully, not having the heart to even lie to him.

Infected hummed and nodded his head. He closed the door and approached you. He then sat down next to you.

You looked at him, and he looked at you.

Infected opened his arms, offering a warm hug. And you happily accepted his offer.

Your head was on his chest, and your arms were wrapped around his waist. One of his arms was wrapped around your torso, and the other was stroking your hair (if you have any).

It felt nice to finally be able to hold him freely. Without having to worry anymore and take precautions.

You were just able to give him any affection without the nagging thought you'd catch his virus. Because you have it now.

"1'm h3r3 f0r y0u...." He mumbled, holding you tightly.

"Th4nk y0u..." You mumble back, burying your face into his chest.

"1t h3lp5 1f y0u'r3 h3r3..."


440 words


I feel like lying in bed and crying 😂😂😂

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