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Name: Kim y/n
Age: 17
Birthday: November 21st (or your own birthday)
Best Friends: Huh Yunjin, Jung Wooyoung, Han jisung
Hobbies: Dancing, painting, reading

Name: Kim y/n Age: 17Birthday: November 21st (or your own birthday) Best Friends: Huh Yunjin, Jung Wooyoung, Han jisung Hobbies: Dancing, painting, reading

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(Or however you want yourself to look :))


————————————————————————ALL OTHER CHARACTERS AS THEMSELVES————————————————————————-

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Name: Stray kids

Name:  Huh Yunjin ————————————————————————-

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Name: Huh Yunjin

Name:  Huh Yunjin ————————————————————————-

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A/N: all characters as them self also this story might suck bc I'm not Korean so I might not use the right words and sorry for so many characters! Just want you to know who everyone is lmao. Also this story isn't set in a certain comeback era. Just kinda anytime yk :)

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