Part 22 :)

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*time skip*

after an excruciatingly long car ride of Minho putting his hand on my thigh and taking it off every-time he thought someone would notice.. we finally reached this restaurant. When the car came to a stop i didn't even wait for minho to open the door before i was basically crawling over him. as i was crawling over him i accidentally kneed him in the uhm-no no- spot... i heard him grunt in pain before his hands flew up to cover the area. "uhm- oops." i said as i managed to successfully crawl over him and out of the car. 

I saw Felix taking a big ole stretch outside the car like he didn't get to sit comfortably in the front. plus he's the one that wanted to go two hours away for mf food..   

"yah Felix- so why did you want to go 2 hours away.. why couldn't you pick somewhere close..?" i asked turning to him . 

"idk. i was super hungry for some pizza.. and this was the only actually good pizza place near us." he smiled walking away . i just shrugged and followed him inside. Idk how he classified 2 hours as near, but oh well its Felix.. i can't be mad at him. 

It was an interesting pizza place. i liked it. I followed the others who had just arrived as well, to the table and noticed we had two booths. i would assume we were sitting 5 in one and 4 in the other. Jisung, Binnie, and Minho were already sitting down while Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Felix, and I.N, were sitting in the other. "y/n come sit with us." i heard jisung say excitedly. i agreed and went to sit by them. 

Minho and Jisung were on one side of the booth while me and Binnie were on the other side. I was directly across from Minho while Binnie was across from Jisung. Jisung was talking to Minho and I was talking to binnie a lot because i felt like i hadn't seem him in forever. We were laughing a lot at little jokes we had made and i couldn't help but notice that Jisung and Minho went silent. I looked over at them and Minho was staring at me. Hardcore staring.. it almost felt like he was mad about something. His jaw was clenched...ain't no way he's srsly jealous of Changbin.. i fr confessed that i liked minho this morning. Jisung who was next to the fuming Minho was watching us communicate through eyes. He saw how Me and Minho were fiercely staring into each others eyes trying to decipher what the other was thinking. 

Minho ripped his gaze away from mine as i said "why are u staring??"  

"dont worry about it." he said looking down at his phone.

*my phone dings* 


you know.. it's hard to concentrate on anything when you're so focused on someone thats not me. I don't think you understand how bad i want to mark my territory. I could lean across this table and kiss you right now. 


I shut my phone off so fast. Face is read as fuck. i excuse my self from the table real quick- "i-i'll be right ba-back." i stutter earning a concerned  look from binnie and Jisung meanwhile minho is fucking smirking..he knows what his words do to me. not fair- i need to get back at him

I go to the bathroom to rinse some cold water on my face. this feels nice lol. i could have sworn that there was steam coming off of my face because of how red i was. After about 7ish minutes i come back out to the tables. 

I sit down avoiding eye contact with the still smirking man across from me. Instead i turn to Jisung who has a question.."y/n what was that... you looked at a message you received, you're face basically exploded with red, then you ran off..." 

"oh sorry- i just got some news about my favorite bachelor couple breaking up." i lied while smiling at him, hoping he would change topics. 

"yeah ok.." he said suspiciously. 

I continued to avoid eye contact with minho as much as i could because i knew damn well i would let him kiss me and wouldn't care. I wouldn't care because it would just be me and him in the moment. god  i miss the feel of his lips on mine.. the feel of his hands on my waist.. the feeling of my fingers through his hair. ugh i want him 

*my phone dings*


avoiding eye contact now are we?? ill make you look at me later ;)


Its my turn to make you a flustered mess in front of everyone.. <3


He was not joking when he said he will make moves when no one was looking. I think today went good. I don't think anyone was suspicious about us not actually hating each other. I will get my payback for today. Its kinda fun sneaking around like this.. i just hope no one is mad once i do decide to tell them.

"yah y/n! come to the dorm for a sleepover tonite!!! we plan on skipping school tomorrow too" i heard Hyunjin yell from the other table. the other members turned to look at me eagerly waiting for an answer. 

"i suppose that could be arranged :)" i yelled back. i was gonna get my sweet sweet revenge on minho tonight.. just you wait.. you don't know what war you have just started Lee Minho. 

A/N: sorry for the wait. i was busy with homework and some company. also i apologize if this seemed rushed :)

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